The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1280: Just like to play heartbeat!

At the next moment, floating stones appeared around them. These stones were quietly suspended around, but they did not fall down like them.

"What's the situation?" Ming Chan was stunned, thinking that he was in the end, but the result was these suspended rocks in the air.

"Go up!"

Luo Xiaoman's eyes drenched, and he made a decisive move and moved towards a floating stone.

When they stepped on this stone, the whole stone seemed to be hit hard, and it sank a long distance before it stopped!

"I'll go!" Ming Chan exploded. "Master, you have to make a decision next time, can you give people a psychological preparation?"

"Sorry, I like to play with heartbeat, don't you give it?" Luo Xiaoman shrugged and said dismissively.

Ming Chan twitched at the corner of his mouth and saw that Luo Xiaoman was playing a rogue. He had no choice but to let her be the master?

However, fortunately, these stones are suspended, buffering a lot of impulse, otherwise, if they go down from this height, they will definitely fall into fleshy mud.

"Master, what do we do now?" Chi Chi swept around, only to see the floating stones around them, arranged in an orderly manner, as if they were guiding them.

Luo Xiaoman leaped, jumped onto Da Bai's back, and smoothly stroked the hair on the back of Da Bai's head, so that the guy squinted his eyes with comfort.

Hey, it's been a long time since he was let down by the little master!

At this moment, he felt that he had reached the pinnacle of dog birth, bah, it was the pinnacle of animal birth!

"Let's step on these stones and keep going down." Luo Xiaoman said lightly: "I believe that these pumice stones are not here for no reason, they must be someone with great power who stayed here, so that they can go deep into hiding. Long Yuan."

It's just that after entering Hidden Dragon Abyss, many people couldn't withstand the evil attack in front.

If it hadn't been for the suppression of all directions, they would never have reached such a deep position, let alone the bottom of Hidden Dragon Abyss.

Soon, Luo Xiaoman and the others stepped on the pumice and went all the way down, finally seeing a scene similar to the ground.


"Is this too high?" Ming Chan widened his eyes and looked at the ground far away from them. He was completely blinded. "If you jump down, you won't be muddy, and you will have to be seriously injured!"

They are now stepping on a pumice stone, once they leave the pumice stone, they will fall into a state of weightlessness and continue to fall.

Moreover, there is no other pumice stone to stand on!

"Chi Chi, Da Bai!" Luo Xiaoman yelled, Chi Chi and Da Bai knew their hearts, and immediately jumped and jumped down.

"I'll go!!" Ming Chan stared, dumbfounded. "Come on playing heartbeat again!? No, this is life-threatening!"

Suddenly, he shuddered and saw Luo Xiaoman looking at himself with a smirk. "Hey, master, don't, don't mess around! Give me a mental preparation..."

After saying this, Luo Xiaoman grabbed him and jumped down.

"Ah!" Ming Chan exclaimed, and fell into a state of weightlessness again, and fell madly.

This is the end of the matter, no matter how depressed he is, he can only deal with it positively.

He is not a cowardly Ming Chan. At this moment, he has entered a state, thinking about how to save himself in this situation.

However, it was determined that there was no pumice stone around to take advantage of, how could he slow down the impact of the fall in this situation.

"Yes!" Suddenly, Ming Chan's eyes lit up, and he immediately took out a spell and slammed it forward.

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