
Luo Xiaoman pondered for a while, then looked back at Da Bai behind his eyes, his eyes lit up, and said, "Da Bai, go get the ground here."

"Wow?" Da Bai was stunned, he just came, why did he let the ground go?

However, this was the little master's order, and he naturally obeyed it unconditionally.

Suddenly, Dabai whimpered, like a big dog who was out of joy, plucking the ground quickly!

Chi Chi flapped his wings and turned into a small one, falling on Luo Xiaoman's shoulder, muttering: "Master, why do I think Da Bai is more like a big dog now? Did he forget? I am the Beast King who trembles the ancients and the present, Bai Ze!"

"Um..." Luo Xiaoman touched his chin, thinking about this issue seriously. "It's okay, even if Dabai is a big dog, it is also a big white dog of the Beast King who is shocking the past and present."

Chi Chi was staggered, but he was thundered by Luo Xiaoman's words.

She blinked her eyes. This sounded a bit wrong, but it seemed to make sense after thinking about it!

After Dabai's hard work, the ground here has been planed all over, revealing a black lacquer, gleaming spar, which is absolutely black crystals.

Compared with the black crystals here, the one Zitong gave to Luo Xiaoman before was simply not worth mentioning.

"Xiaolong, open up and eat." Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and said calmly.

There are so many black crystals here that they can definitely fill the dragon.

"But you can't be greedy, you have to save some for your mother!"

"Thank you mother, my mother is so good!" Xiaolong licked his lips, unable to restrain the black crystals.

The next second, he snorted, flew out, and opened his big mouth in front of the black crystals.

"Wow, what's the situation?" At this moment, Ming Chan just rushed over, and saw a small tornado swirling around the cloud, devouring the black crystals here frantically.

This is precious black crystal, why is it eaten by this little thing as a ration, is it too wasteful?

"Save me some!!!" Ming Chan cried, and hurriedly rushed to grab food from Xiaolong's mouth.

Also, how come such a small thing has such a big mouth? He can swallow a cow if he opens it at random. It's really terrible!

Suddenly, Ming Chan joined the ranks of searching for the black crystals, and he had to take back as much as possible before the little dragon swallowed the black crystals here.

Luo Xiaoman felt at ease and wandered around in this cave.

Soon, she came to a stone box and looked at it carefully.

The stone box looks ordinary, like a stone that looks like a box, but with previous experience, she dare not treat it carelessly. Who knows if there is another strange old man hidden here?

Last time, it was a black box, and an old man named Ling Tian popped out, and inexplicably asked her to come to Hidden Longyuan by herself, looking for the Hao Dzi Bead.

Is this stone box containing Hao Dzi beads?

Luo Xiaoman touched his nose, thinking secretly, Chi Chi next to him started to complain.

"Little master, why do you want so much? Just open it and see!"

"Okay!" Luo Xiaoman nodded and agreed to the proposal. It's just that when she just wanted to open the stone box, she paused, turned her head, and glanced at Ming Chan.

"Xiao Ming, come here!"

"Huh?" Ming Chan was holding a pile of black crystals, happily like a little fool, completely immersed in the joy of the harvest.

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