Black crystal, but a very special ore, can shield mental power and at the same time temper mental power.

For spell masters, this is definitely a rare cultivation secret treasure!

"Master, what did you tell me?" Ming Chan frowned, looking at the little dragon who was still devouring the black crystals, his heart was very anxious, and he didn't want to stop at all.

Can this little thing be full? After eating this for a long time, it was still not enough. Now the master called him to go over again. I wonder how long it will be delayed?

"Xiao Ming!"

"Come on!" Ming Chan pursed his lips, holding the black crystal reluctantly, and ran to Luo Xiaoman. "Master, what do you call me?"

"You come to open this stone box!" Luo Xiaoman pointed to the stone box and said.


Ming Chan was startled slightly, turned around and looked at the stone box in front of him, wondering: "Master, why don't you open it yourself, want me to open it?"

"You are my servant, shouldn't you take the lead to test the danger for your master?"


Ming Chan is stunned!

This is because there is danger hidden in the stone box, let him be a shield!

Oh, master, is there anyone you are so cheating on?

"Come on, Hei Jing, give it to me!" Luo Xiaoman walked over, beckoned, and said: "I'll hold it for you, you go and open this stone box."

"Master, don't you need it?" Ming Chan tightened the black crystal in his arms. It took him a lot of effort to search for this point. Who knows if he can return after handing it over?

"Also, where is this box? It's just a box... that looks like a stone!"

"Let you go, where's so much nonsense?" Luo Xiaoman rolled his eyes and said impatiently.

Under Luo Xiaoman's obscene power, Ming Chan compromised. Who made him a servant?

"Master, then you have to take good care of the black crystals for me, don't swallow it!" Ming Chan sighed and handed the black crystals reluctantly, as if sending out his little daughter-in-law.

"An la an!" Luo Xiaoman waved his hand and said dismissively: "As long as you can come back without problems, these black crystals are still yours!"

Ming Chan blinked his eyes. Why did these words sound weird? If he dares to have a long and two shortcomings, he doesn't have to pay back the black crystal, right?

Alas, there is no way, just bite the bullet!

Ming Chan took a deep breath, then walked to the stone box with a gesture of going to death.

Soon, he came to the stone box and put his hand on it.

"Ah!!" Ming Chan yelled, pulling hard.


He was stunned, only to see the stone box motionless, he couldn't help looking back in surprise, and said, "Master, did you see it? This is a stone at all."

Luo Xiaoman frowned, feeling suspicious, is she really thinking too much?

"Master, give Black Crystal back to me!" Ming Chan walked back eagerly, thinking about his Black Crystal.

Suddenly, a golden glow radiated from his body and rushed towards the stone box.

"What's the situation?" Ming Chan was stunned. He obviously didn't exert his strength. Why did Jin Mang run out by himself?

Seeing this, Luo Xiaoman's eyes lit up, and she was right. This stone box really hides a big secret.

"Xiao Ming, try to open this stone box again!"


At this time, Ming Chan also had a keen interest in this stone box.

After all, this stone box is actively absorbing his power!

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