The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1299: It only takes a quarter of an hour to defeat you!

"Little master, there are cornflowers!" Chi Chi flapped his wings, a flame rolled, and the cornflowers popped out like a goddess.

Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and smiled, turned around, spread the skirt, and leaned against Da Bai, with melon seeds in one hand and rice flowers in the other, waiting for the show to be performed.

From the corner of Ming Chan's eyes, he just caught a glimpse of Luo Xiaoman actually watching him play, and he secretly complained about him. He was desperate here, and you were eating melons and nibbling rice. Did you make a mistake?


At this moment, a cold light flashed and struck Ming Chan's forehead.

Ming Chan shuddered, and quickly dodged sideways, then clenched his fists, turned around and slammed back!

Monqi frowned, turning around without avoiding, and swiped his knife again.

He is evil thought, the body of a spiritual body, and he is not afraid of any physical harm at all!


However, Ming Chan's punch hit him on the spot.

Meng Qi's pupils shrank and stared at Ming Chan in shock, only to see this guy showing a sly smile, like a tricky trick.

"Do you think you are a spirit body, so I can't hurt you?" Ming Chan curled his lips and said mockingly: "Sorry, I didn't want to hurt you, I want to hammer you to death!!"

Monqi's pupils shrank, and he let out a violent shout, and suddenly withdrew a position, looking at Ming Chan in surprise. "How could you hurt this general?"

"Stop talking nonsense, you'll be done!" Ming Chan was too lazy to explain, and as soon as his figure moved, he rushed towards Mon Qi.

Monqi didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly took a guard posture. He didn't dare to rely on the characteristics of his spiritual body now, because the young man in front of him possessed a strange power that could hurt himself.

"Oh?" Hei Yan raised his eyes slightly and glanced at Ming Chan suspiciously. Under the gleam of his eyes, he could see why. "It turns out to be a twin soul, no wonder it can hurt Monki."

He glanced at Luo Xiaoman, who was eating melons and watching the show again. This little guy is so calm, presumably relying on the characteristics of twin souls, he can perfectly restrain evil thoughts!

"It's careless!" Hei Yan murmured: "It's just that Monki's strength is more than that!"


A burst of noise exploded, and the figures of Ming Chan and Meng Qi flew back, standing on each side facing each other.

"Hey, this guy, it's very difficult!" Ming Chan took a sip and squeezed his numb fist. Even if he could hurt Monqi, his strength lies there. If he wants to defeat the opponent in a short time, he can only Fear is impossible.

"Your fighting method is flawed and vulnerable." Suddenly, Monqi raised his machete, pointed at Ming Chan, and said coldly: "I only need a quarter of an hour to defeat you!"

"Oh, why are you bragging?" Ming Chan twitched the corner of his mouth and said disdainfully: "Then you let me see, how can you defeat me in a quarter of an hour!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Meng Qi's figure disappeared, and he appeared in front of Ming Chan the next second.

Ming Chan's pupils shrank, and he was stunned. How could this guy's body skills suddenly become so fast that he didn't even give him time to react?

"Although you can hurt the spirit body, you are still far short of your own strength." Meng Qi's tall body stood in front of Ming Chan, like a high mountain, full of oppressive force. "So, you go to die!"

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