With a bang!

Monqi hit Ming Chan's stomach with a knee blow.

Suddenly, Ming Chan opened his eyes wide, arched his body, and retched.

Isn't he immune to attacks from evil thoughts?

However, why is Monqi's knee hit so heavy and so domineering?

Luo Xiaoman frowned, her small face also showing solemnity. "This Monk is different from the previous evil thoughts. Normal evil thoughts only use grievances as a means of attack, but he attacks them physically."

"Tsk tusk, Xiao Ming is in danger!" Red pecking a popcorn, worried: "Little master, if this continues, Xiao Ming will lose! By then, Hao Dzi will not be able to get it!"

"Don't worry." Luo Xiaoman shook his head and smiled lightly: "Xiao Ming won't be defeated so easily."

Chi Chi tilted his head and looked at the confident little master with a puzzled look. Ming Chan also has the advantage over the twin souls, but now Mengqi has changed his attack method and uses purely physical attacks. It can be ignored!

Luo Xiaoman raised his hand and calmly smoothed Dabai's hair. "Xiao Ming, you won't let me down, will you?"


There was another muffled sound.

Ming Chan was blown out by Monqi again, he was like a sandbag, and he was blasted to and fro by Monqi, and his whole body was stunned.

"Hmph, the next blow, defeat you!" Mun Qi narrowed his eyes, put a knife in a posture, and aimed at Ming Chan falling from mid-air.


A surge of vigor wafted from Mon Qi's body. This was the sword intent he had grasped before his death, but it was used in the spirit state.

If this sword is swung out, I am afraid that Ming Chan will be cut off!

"Jue Ying!!" Monqi yelled, then slammed the knife horizontally, a sharp burst of light suddenly burst out and shot towards Ming Chan.

This sword light was extremely sharp, and there was a sound of breaking through the air wherever it passed, as if it could shred any obstruction.

"Ah!!!" At this moment, Ming Chan yelled violently, and turned his head abruptly, his eyes flashing with dazzling light. "I have a showdown!"


Meng Qi was stunned, only to see a dazzling golden glow radiating from Ming Chan's body, and then he greeted the sword glow!

"Hmph, kill yourself!" He curled his lips and said mockingly: "This is not a killer move that a mortal body can resist!"

With a bang!

Ming Chan hit the sword light!

Suddenly, Meng Qi was taken aback, and his original indifferent face showed a look of astonishment.

He saw Ming Chan shatter the blade of his sword and rushed towards him. How could this... be possible?

"No matter how powerful your attack is, it is also an attack from the spirit body, with more or less resentment." Ming Chan sneered, "This is your flaw!"

Meng Qi's heart was stunned, and it suddenly dawned on him that even though he tried his best to make a killer move in a mortal state, but his body is a spirit body, always carrying a bit of resentment, and it is this resentment that becomes a fatal flaw.

Once this bit of resentment is annihilated, the structure of the sword beam will become unstable, and it will be easily broken by Ming Chan!

"Take me a punch!!"


Ming Chan blasted Mon Qi's chest with a punch, gathering Jin Mang's punch, and his damage was doubled.

Meng Qi widened his eyes, wow, and flew back.

Boom boom boom!

He hit the ground, made a deep mark, and then stopped!

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