The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1321: We are the agents of King Shura!

"Huh, they are all stupid guys."

At this moment, Ming Chan stood up and lifted his hood, revealing the handsome face unique to humans.

"It's human! They are really human!"

Many Shura exclaimed, changing their angry faces one by one, and immediately surrounded Boqi and the others.

"Porch, you traitor, you really colluded with humans, do you want to disadvantage my clan?"

"Porch, you disappointed us so much!"

Many Shura sighed one after another, and Boqi was usually very good to them, and he was a good and warm Shura.

But who knew that he would betray the Shura clan today?

"Uncle Porch, are they really human?" The innocent Stoudemire frowned and looked at Porch suspiciously.

Although he is still young, he often hears stories from the ancient times of his mother and generals, saying that immortals are cruel and innocent, and humans are cunning. At this moment, he actually saw a real person.

"Porch..." Lily sighed, and there was a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

In the whole village, the person she trusts most is Porch. However, now the person she trusts the most has betrayed the entire Shura clan, which makes her uncomfortable!

"Absurd!!" Ming Chan yelled violently, raised his head, and put on the appearance of a **** stick. "We are the agent of King Shura. If you see an agent, if you see King Shura, you will not quickly kneel down?"

Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, what did this guy want to do? However, looking at a person so persuaded by him, who dares to stand up now, he must be quite sure.

"Hahaha! Agent of King Shura?" Sharu laughed and said mockingly: "You are two human beings. What else is the agent of King Shura? Are you acting as an agent of Shura?"

"Kneel down!!" Ming Chan's eyes turned around, staring at Sharu fiercely.

Suddenly, Sharu's mind felt like a heavy blow, and he knelt down with a plop. "Why, what's the matter? Why would I kneel down!"

Ming Chan also looked shocked. He thought it was to frighten the other party. Who knew that the other party actually knelt down.

He couldn't help but glanced at Luo Xiaoman next to him, but saw that she was showing a sly smile to him, and his heart suddenly opened up.

It turned out that the owner secretly helped!

With the support of Luo Xiaoman, Ming Chan's confidence is even stronger!

"Did you see it? This is the consequence of blaspheming King Shura!" Ming Chan swept around Shura and said coldly: "If you still have the faith of King Shura in your heart, then all kneel down for me."

The Shura looked at each other, but when they saw Sharu knelt down, they also knelt down gradually.

However, they are more afraid of the unknown.

"Very good!" Ming Chan nodded, and said solemnly: "Today, in the name of King Shura, I specially came to investigate whether the faith of the people is as firm as ever. Originally I wanted to keep a low profile, not to make a statement, and to let Bo Let's cooperate, the result..."

He pointed at Sharu and said coldly: "I was disturbed by this villain. What do you think he should be guilty of?"

"If you are really the agents of King Shura, Sharu offends your Excellency, you have offended King Shura, you should be killed."

"Fart!!" Sharu was anxious, and the two faces were constantly rotating, and said: "They are fake. Just now I was suppressed by a strange force before I knelt down. Don't believe it. "

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