"Don't forget, they can enter the Asura Road, they must be very powerful, and they can make me kneel down in the air, naturally they can do it easily."

Hearing this, many Shura looked at each other, and then stood up again.

"Presumptuous!" At this moment, Ming Chan sneered again, his eyes gleaming with cold divine light. "Since you question the majesty of King Shura so much, then...I will show you the incarnation of King Shura."

After that, he glanced at Luo Xiaoman, winking constantly.

Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips, tilted his head, deliberately pretending that he couldn't understand, and Ming Chan stared dryly!

"Woo, master, it's a general!!!"


Luo Xiaoman raised his hand and shouted: "Come out, super invincible general!"

Suddenly, a huge black shadow fell from the sky and fell heavily on the ground, causing a burst of dust and smoke.

When the dust settled, the Shura saw a mighty figure with four faces and six arms.

"This, this is..."

"This is the incarnation of King Shura!!"

Ming Chan stood with his hand in his hand, and the old **** said to the ground: "Seeing the incarnation of King Shura, do you still dare to make a mistake? You don't have to kneel down quickly!"

Thump thump!

For a moment, all Shura knelt down, not only that, even Poqi also knelt down.

Although he was wondering how Luo Xiaoman summoned this big guy, the appearance of this big guy was too similar to that of King Shura. They all had four faces. This was a characteristic of King Shura.

Even the four great Shura generals are just three faces!

From the moment Ming Chan stood up, Luo Xiaoman understood Ming Chan's thoughts, as a qualified quack **** stick, under this situation, he must want to use the general to fool these Shura!

Even if Ming Chan doesn't stand up, she will stand up. I have to say that Xiao Ming's pretending to be a ghost is really good.

Of course, this is also thanks to the general who transformed her by the second brother, otherwise, it would be really hard to fool her.

"No, it's impossible!" Sharu widened his eyes and looked at the general in shock. "They are obviously humans, how could they be the agents of King Shura."


At this moment, the general moved, an angry face turned and stared at Sharu.


A flame spit out from his mouth, burning Sharu directly.

"Ah!" Sharu screamed, struggling in pain in the flames!

Seeing Sharu's tragic situation, the Asuras couldn't help feeling trembling, and they were even more convinced that the general in front of them was the incarnation of King Asura.

"Have you seen? This is the fate of blaspheming King Shura." Ming Chan watched the Asuras and slowly said: "The philosophy of King Shura is the unification of the three realms and six paths. Let us two human beings speak, one is for To confirm the concept of great unification, the other is to prevent the Shura from abusing the authority of the Shura King and squeezing other Shura."

All Shura heard this, even more convinced.

Leaving aside the first one, the claim that advertises the greatness of King Shura, the second one alone, is enough to show that King Shura has a good intention.

Their Asura people advocate force, so that civil wars are frequent. No matter which force becomes the agent of the Asura King, it is estimated that the entire Asura Dao will be messed up.

"King Shura is here, please forgive me for waiting for my ignorance and blaspheming Wang's might!" All Shura bowed sincerely.

Seeing this, Ming Chan was relieved and gave Luo Xiaoman a thumbs up. Fortunately, he reacted fast enough, and in turn sent Shalu into the army. Now, there is a layer of the agent of King Shura. Identity, their situation is more secure.

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