The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1323: I hacked myself again!

Seeing them respecting them as gods, Ming Chan put a hundred hearts on him, so that no Shura dared to question their origins!

"Master, you scared me to death just now!" Ming Chan leaned over, looked at Luo Xiaoman grievously, and said depressed: "I was so afraid that you could not understand what I meant!"

"Calm down! I just made a joke with you! See what scared you!" Luo Xiaoman showed a sly smile.

"This joke, it's not funny at all!" Ming Chan was scared by Luo Xiaoman's strange spirits, and he never wanted to have a second experience. "However, after my flicker just now, they now regard us as gods, not only will we be in a safe situation, but they will even get the best hospitality!"

"My Envoy, in order to express our apologies, please allow us to entertain you with the best specifications!" An old and respected Shura walked over and said respectfully.

"The so-called ignorance is not sinful!" Ming Chan raised his head and assumed a sacred posture, saying: "You are all the people of King Shura. He will understand you and protect you. May King Shura be with you. You are here!"

"Thank you, Envoy!"

Watching the village chief retreat and go to Zhang Luo to receive things with other Shura, Ming Chan became more calm. This is a race with a strong belief!

"Did the master see it? Let's wait for it to be delicious, drink and live!"

"Do you really think this is safe?" Luo Xiaoman took out a lollipop, held it in his mouth, and looked at Ming Chan with amusement.

"Isn't it?" Ming Chan was stunned, looking at her with a puzzled look.

Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said helplessly: "You only saw the good side, not the bad side!"

After a pause, she continued: "What do you think will happen when we become the messengers of King Shura?"

"Get the respect of the Shura clan!" Ming Chan frowned and said affirmatively.

"Except for respect?" Luo Xiaoman turned the lollipop in his mouth, his sharp eyes staring at him panicking.

"Master, you should say it clearly!" Ming Chan pouted and said depressed.

"It is the attention of all forces!"

Hearing this, Ming Chan was taken aback for a moment, then his face turned pale.

He slapped his forehead sharply, and cried out, "Why did I ignore this!"

As the agents of the Asura King, they will definitely be questioned by other Asura forces, especially the four major Asura generals who control the entire Asura clan!

The four of them are ruling the Asura Dao, and now an agent of the Asura King suddenly appears, which will definitely arouse their attention and even come directly to the door!

"Master, what should we do?" Ming Chan panicked. He is still too tender. Although the agent of King Shura has a good idea, he can only fool the villagers in this village at present. It doesn't necessarily work if you get out of here!

"What else can I do?" Luo Xiaoman shrugged and said indifferently: "See walking!"

Ming Chan wanted to cry without tears. He thought he had survived a catastrophe, but instead he fell into another pit.

"My Envoy, what's the matter with you?" At this moment, Porch walked up and looked at Ming Chan with a puzzled face.

"It's okay, he is just so touched, so many years have passed, you still believe in King Shura!" Luo Xiaoman raised his hand and patted Ming Chan on the shoulder.

"King Shura, it is the eternal belief of my Shura clan, and it will never change!" Boqi looked solemn and said firmly: "I just didn't know that you are Envoys. If you offend, please forgive me!"

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