"Go in!" Luo Xiaoman said decisively: "Now we can only find it all the way!"

Poch nodded, then jumped, jumped down without hesitation!

"Master, you go in, I am here to help you look out for the wind!" Ming Chan said seriously.

Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and said jokingly: "Are you sure? This is deep in the wilderness, and strange beasts will come out at any time!"

Ming Chan stunned suddenly, and then quickly swept around. He seemed to faintly hear the low roar of a strange animal, and he couldn't help swallowing.

"Oh, okay! Since Xiao Ming is so active, then I will..."

"Master, I will go down with you!" Ming Chan said quickly, "As the saying goes, one more person and one more pair of eyes can better help find Stoudemire!"

"Xiao Ming, you don't have to..."

"Master, hurry up and follow along!"

Before Luo Xiaoman finished speaking, Ming Chan made a vertical leap and then jumped down.

Luo Xiaoman blinked. This guy is really shameless. She is considering whether to wake up another Xiaoming. Although she is a stubborn person, she can at least help!

Soon, Luo Xiaoman also jumped and jumped into the hole.

When she stood firm and took a closer look, she found that the space here was very spacious and there were passages extending in all directions.

"My Messenger, I'm afraid this is Gulu's place!" Poqi said solemnly.

"Guru? Those short and ugly creatures?" Ming Chan asked suspiciously.

"Yes!" Poqi nodded, and said: "I now suspect that Stoudemire was taken away by Guru!"

"Let's go!" Luo Xiaoman chose a channel, walked over, and said lightly: "We only have to find the past to know what's going on?"

Along the way, Luo Xiaoman and the others did not encounter a Guru or a strange beast.

If this is Gulu's site, shouldn't it be so quiet?

Huh huh!

At this moment, a shower of arrows flew from the hole behind.

Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, raised his hand to grab a big hammer, and swept it out suddenly.

Suddenly, a gust of wind swayed out, sweeping all the arrows back.

"Ah!!" A scream exploded, and there was a figure shaking at the entrance of the cave.

"Huh, I want to go!" Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes, snorted coldly, and said, "Xiao Ming, get me back quickly."

"Huh?" Ming Chan thought that Luo Xiaoman would do it himself, but after this posture, he let him arrest people.

"Hurry up!" Luo Xiaoman squinted and said coldly.

"Woo, Master, me, how can I go? I am a weak chicken!" Ming Chan wanted to cry without tears, full of fear for these unknown creatures!

At this moment, Porch had flew out and rushed towards the hole.

"Huh?" Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes, his eyes became sharp, full of deterrence, and Ming Chan shuddered with fright, and ran out quickly.

"The master is too bullying. Why do you want to let me, a weak chicken, take action?" Ming Chan muttered in his heart. At this moment, he had already run out of Luo Xiaoman's sight.

At this moment, Luo Xiaoman's eyes were dazzling, and suddenly his figure moved and rushed towards a corner.

With a bang!

She slammed a fist against a wall, and her domineering force shattered the wall alive.

Suddenly, the wall collapsed, revealing a hole, and a strange creature stood at the hole, widened his eyes, and looked at Luo Xiaoman blankly.

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