The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1331: Tune the Tiger from the Mountain

"Guru?!" Luo Xiaoman was startled slightly, the creature in front of him was short and ugly, like a big-eyed monkey, looking very strange.

Judging from these facial features, this is the Guru mentioned earlier by Boqi.

"Chichi quack!!" The grunt reacted, turned his head and ran, he didn't seem to think Luo Xiaoman would know that he was hiding in this position.

"Want to run?" Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips, swung a big hammer, and slammed it over.


The big hammer went over Gulu's head and slammed heavily on the ground in front of him, blocking the way.

Seeing that there was no way to escape, Gulu turned around again, took out a bow and arrow, and shot several arrows towards Luo Xiaoman. However, these arrows pose no threat to Luo Xiaoman at all!

"You sent the arrow just now?" Luo Xiaoman grabbed an arrow and said lightly: "However, strictly speaking, it was issued by the mechanism you arranged."

Gulu was slightly startled, it seemed that Luo Xiaoman broke the secret.

"If I guessed correctly, the rain of arrows just now was just to make a sound and want to draw us all over." Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips, his eyes gleamed with wise divine light, and said: "It's a pity, you are Your breath has exposed you."

After she finished speaking, her hand slammed off the arrow in her hand instantly, and she stared at the Guru in front of her!

Gulu shivered and raised his eyes to look at Luo Xiaoman, feeling that the human woman in front of him was pressing like a mountain, and he couldn't breathe.

"Quack quack, chuckle!"

Luo Xiaoman frowned, and then touched the bracelet Poqi gave him.

Suddenly, this grunt's words were translated.

"You, who are you? Why did you break into our territory." Gulu said in a panic.

"We are here to find a little Shura."

"Little Shura?" This grunt was startled slightly, and then showed a look of astonishment. "He, he should be dead now."

"What?!" Luo Xiaoman raised his hand and grabbed Gulu up.

At this moment, she finally realized that the feeling of picking up others was really enjoyable. "If you dare to hurt him a bit, I will slaughter your entire race!"

Gulu was startled by Luo Xiaoman's fierce eyes.

The human woman in front of her, obviously looks very delicate and cute, why can she exude such a frightening aura?

"We rush over now, maybe we can save him." Gulu said hurriedly.

"Lead the way!" Luo Xiaoman casually threw Gulu on the ground, grabbed the big hammer, and said coldly.

Gulu felt Luo Xiaoman's power, and didn't dare to make any trouble, so he led her to the direction of the stronghold.

At the same time, Poqi and Ming Chan also reached a dead end.

They couldn't help looking around, and suddenly found that there were several arrow organs arranged here, and the arrow rain just now was obviously sent by these organs.

"Not good!" Ming Chan's heart froze, and exclaimed: "This is a trick to move the tiger away from the mountain! This cunning guy actually used these arrow rains to attract us, trying to lead us away from where we were just now. ."

"What's the point of this?" Poqi asked suspiciously.

"I need to ask? We must have stepped into the other party's important territory just now, otherwise it is impossible to specifically lead us away." Ming Chan said solemnly.

"If that's the case..." Poch's heart trembled slightly, and he said suspiciously: "My Messenger is in danger. We must rush back!"

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