The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1332: The helplessness of the weak!

"Um..." Ming Chan was taken aback, then scratched his head, and said awkwardly: "Brother Boqi, I think...the the other party, right?"

Boqi was taken aback again, and then thought of Luo Xiaoman, the incarnation of King Shura, and calmed down immediately.

"That's it! Your Envoy, this is to deliberately let us come over, paralyze the other party's vigilance, and then take the opportunity to take the other party down in one fell swoop!"

"Um, you can say that. But, let's go back quickly." Ming Chan didn't know Luo Xiaoman's thoughts. He just wanted to hurry back to his master, there was the safest place!

However, when he just took a step, the whole ground suddenly vibrated, and cracks continued to extend away.

"Brother Boqi, there is a trap here!" Ming Chan woke up and rushed out, but it was too late!

In an instant, the ground collapsed, and he, as well as Porch, fell into the trap.

I go!

The other party not only adjusts the tiger away from the mountain, but also catches it all! Ming Chan wants to cry without tears, and secretly said in his heart, I will stop!

When the ground vibrated, Luo Xiaoman also felt it, and looked at the grunt in front of him with a puzzled expression.

"Haha, this underground structure is unstable, it is easy to cause collapse, just get used to it." Gulu sneered, afraid to tell Luo Xiaoman the truth, for fear that this human woman would kill him directly after she knew the truth!

"I'm very curious!" Luo Xiaoman didn't think much, then asked suspiciously: "Why are you arresting that little Shura?"

"We hate Shura, so we must retaliate against them!" At this time, Gulu's eyes flashed with heavy hatred. "They rely on their own powerful strength to continue to bully us. If we weren't hiding in the ground, it is estimated that the entire Guru tribe would be enslaved by Shura."

"Oh, the nature of your enslavement is that your strength is not as good as the Shura clan." Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said lightly: "In this world where the weak and the strong eat, the weak are destined to be enslaved by the strong. If you really want to resist. , Then find a way to become stronger, otherwise you will never change the fate of being enslaved!"

"Become stronger?" Gulu shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Our physical fitness and talents have never been as good as those of the Shura clan. How can we become stronger? Compared to Shura, it's a joke at all."

Luo Xiaoman read deep helplessness from this grunt's eyes.

In this world, there are many weak people desperately trying to become strong, thus dominating their destiny.

However, reality is often cruel!

Their talent and physical fitness determine everything, even if they are desperate, they can't change their fate.

Unless they get a chance against the sky, they don't want to be the one who can change their fate in this life.

Luo Xiaoman couldn't help rejoicing that if she hadn't been reincarnated in this body with a chaotic body, and supported by her loving father, mother, and brother, she wouldn't be able to get to where she is today.

"I don't want to say anything about the grievances between your Guru clan and the Shura clan." Luo Xiaoman returned to his senses and said lightly: "I just want to save that little Shura."

Gulu frowned, then turned around, and said, "Go through two more passages here and you will reach the core area of ​​our underground. But before that, I beg you for one thing."

Luo Xiaoman was startled slightly and sneered, "Do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me?"

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