The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1341: Demonstrative interception!

Ruth paused, then squinted at Mo Yuan. Perhaps she was too lazy to pay attention to the affairs of the Asura clan, but Mo Yuan disappeared from the room when she moved.

Seeing him leave, Ruth sighed and felt helpless. Is it because of different races that he has such a strong sense of distance from her?

"Master Ruth, what should we do now?"

"Let the order go on and send Shura fighters to intercept these two counterfeit goods!"


Suddenly, the Asura warriors of the Crimson Ya tribe organized one after another to intercept these two guys who claimed to be the agents of King Asura!

On the periphery of the Chiya tribe, dozens of Shura warriors are already ready to go, squatting here, waiting for the appearance of the two counterfeit goods!

"Boss Red, will Master Ruth be too enthusiastic?" A Shura warrior frowned, wondering.

For them, two counterfeit goods are not worthy of them dispatching so many Asura fighters, even one Asura fighter is enough to deal with.

"You don't understand!" Hong shook his head, and said earnestly: "Master Ruth, I want to use these two counterfeit goods to stand up and tell the other generals of Shura that our Redya tribe is not good to bully!"

The Shura warrior's eyes lit up, and it suddenly dawned on him. "Master Ruth is really wise, we showed this battle, it turned out to be for other General Shura!"

"Of course! When the time comes, you will behave well and try to kill the chicken with a sledgehammer!"


These Shura fighters are eager to try, they are now thinking more about how to better express their strength!

Rather than saying that this is to intercept and kill the two counterfeit goods, it is better to use this opportunity to show the strength of their Redya tribe!

"Come!" Suddenly, an Asura warrior exclaimed, and the other Asura warriors looked over and saw a petite girl and a man walking slowly over.

"Humans?" Seeing these two people, Hong was slightly startled, showing a look of consternation. "How can human beings enter Shura Dao?"

"Boss Red, are we going to shoot now?"

For a time, many Shura soldiers looked at Hong.

"Kill!" Hong squinted his eyes and said coldly: "No matter how these two humans enter the Asura Way, they must die!"

"it is good!"

Suddenly, the Shura soldiers put on a posture one after another, putting on fighting faces one by one, murderous!

"The battle formation!" With the red falling, the Shura fighters grouped together to form a powerful battle formation!

As the battle formation took shape, a huge alien beast appeared, roaring ferociously at the two figures!

This is the latest battle formation developed by the Chiya tribe, the tiger-wolf formation, and the alien beast that has turned out to be the extremely ferocious tiger-backed wolf in the Asura Way!


The tiger-backed wolf issued a roar that shook the sky, and the surrounding sand and stones were all shaken out. Its mighty power was amazing!

"All the soldiers obeyed the orders, gave me the strongest killer move, and destroyed them!"


Suddenly, many Shura warriors waved six arms one after another, gathering strength continuously, while Tigerback Wolf's mouth opened, and an energy ball was continuously compressed.


Following Hong's order, the energy ball in Tiger's back and wolf's mouth spurted out immediately and insinuated at the two people.

Seeing this energy ball with infinite power, the red cheeks rose slightly, now let the other generals of Shura see, the strength of their red teeth tribe!

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