"It's over!"

Seeing the energy ball shooting at the two figures, many Shura fighters had a relaxed expression. They would not think that under the power of this energy ball, only two humans could survive.

"Huh, what's that?" Suddenly, a Shura warrior noticed that a huge hammer appeared in the sky and slammed toward the energy ball!

"What?!" All the Asura soldiers were startled when they saw this scene, and couldn't help exclaiming. "Is this to hammer the energy ball back?"

"Impossible! This is a full blow from dozens of our Shura fighters, and it is impossible to be hammered back!"

However, as soon as they finished speaking, they saw the big hammer hit the energy ball heavily!

A tyrannical air slammed out, swept away in all directions, and burst the surrounding ground!

Immediately afterwards, the energy ball was hammered back alive after a slight pause!

"How is it possible?!" All the Asura fighters were stunned. This was their combined attack with amazing power, but this would be hammered back by the opponent! "

"Run! Run!" Hong reacted and hurriedly shouted.

Suddenly, the Shura soldiers panicked, and it was the first time they saw their attack bounced back by the opponent!


There was a shocking roar and a dazzling light burst into the air. The Tiger Wolf array was instantly disintegrated, and many Shura fighters were also bombed out, lying on the ground one by one, all injured.

"Master, what are these Asuras doing?" Ming Chan frowned and asked in confusion: "Send so many Asuras to welcome us, and even set off fireworks?"

"I don't know!" Luo Xiaoman said dismissively, carrying a sledgehammer, "It's just that their fireworks are a little dangerous. They either shot us or exploded themselves!"

What fireworks?

This is the ultimate move of their Shura fighters!

However, in Luo Xiaoman's eyes, this is a firework, not as powerful as a cannon on earth!

Soon, Luo Xiaoman came to the Shura fighter, and his eyes fell on a red-haired Shura. "Looking at you, it should be their boss, right?"

"What do you want to do?" Red shivered and looked at Luo Xiaoman with a panic expression. He didn't know why. He looked at this human girl as if he was looking at a fierce beast with fangs. It was so scary!

Luo Xiaoman: I'm so cute, why is it scary?

"I am the agent of King Shura, and now I am following King Shura's will to integrate Shura Dao!" Luo Xiaoman was condescending, staring at red, and this posture was like an old **** stick who had walked the rivers and lakes for many years. "Now, let Shura Thorns come out to see me!"

"Impossible!" Hong repeatedly shook his head and said, "You are not the agents of King Shura, you are dirty humans!"

"Presumptuous!" Ming Chan walked over and scolded, "Under the concept of the unification of the world, no matter which race you are, as long as you believe in King Shura, you are your own!"

"And we..." He patted his chest and said, "This is the representative of this idea!"

The red expression looked at Luo Xiaoman and He Ming Chan with complicated expressions. If they were not paying attention, they would have been brainwashed!

"I won't be fooled!" He gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "King Shura, who has fallen in the ancient war, how can I assign you to be this agent!"

"Great rebelliousness!" Luo Xiaoman's expression was stern, raised his hand, and shouted. "Come out! The incarnation of King Shura!"


Password changed!

However, apart from the name change, everything else remains the same as Secondary Two!

Luo Xiaoman is really unable to complain about Luo Qinghen's taste.

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