
A huge figure fell from the sky, shaking the mind of every Shura soldier.

The moment they saw this huge figure, they couldn't help being stunned!

The general in front of him has four faces, six arms, and his whole body is red as if bathing in a furnace of flames, exuding a powerful force!

"This is the incarnation of King Shura?!" Hong stared wide-eyed and exclaimed.

"Yes! Seeing the incarnation, like seeing King Shura, you don't have to kneel down quickly!" Luo Xiaoman shouted awe-inspiringly, mixed with a trace of mental power, and defeated the psychological defense of these Shura fighters.

Thump thump!

One by one Shura soldiers knelt down, showing awe to the general.

Red bent his knees, just about to kneel down, but suddenly recovered. "No, you are not the agents of King Shura, and this is not the incarnation of King Shura."

Luo Xiaoman frowned. It seems that these Shura fighters are not as foolish as Poqi and the others!

"Hmph, dare to question King Shura, you **** it!"

When the voice fell, the cannon fodder squads emerged. They followed Luo Xiaoman's request and were transformed into four faces and six arms, just like a miniature general!

Seeing so many incarnations of King Shura, even if the red heart was confused, he was shocked!


Following Luo Xiaoman's order, many cannon fodder death squads rushed forward, entangled Hong.

The red heart was flustered, not knowing how to fight back, and was caught off guard by these cannon fodder squads.

"Ah!!!" He was struggling in pain. The other Asura fighters looked at them and did not dare to move, thinking that this was King Asura's punishment to Hong!

"Stop!" At this moment, a figure flew over and hit the ground with a punch.

In an instant, the punches exploded, and all the cannon fodder squads on Hong's body were shaken out.

"Master, it's a female Shura!" Ming Chan saw that the person who came was a female Shura with three faces and six arms, and he couldn't help taking a breath.

This is the first time they have seen a female Shura with three faces since they entered the Tao of Shura, which means her strength is very strong.

"Are you Shura Thorns, Ruth?" Luo Xiaoman asked calmly.

"You humans, not only broke into my Shura Dao, but also pretended to be an agent of King Shura!" Ruth stared at Luo Xiaoman with a sullen face. "You must die!!"

She originally thought that by letting Hong lead dozens of Shura warriors, these two counterfeit goods could be dealt with. By the way, let the other Shura generals see the strength of their Chiya tribe!

As a result, they never expected that they were defeated!

Had she not arrived in time, it is estimated that Hong will end badly!

"Oh, you are so stubborn, King Shura will be very disappointed!" Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said helplessly.

"Huh!" Ruth snorted coldly, and then she moved and killed Chao Luo Xiaoman.

"Wow, this female Asura is so fierce!" Ming Chan shivered, hurried back, and yelled by the way, "Master, do you have melon seeds, give me some!"

"Get out!" Luo Xiaoman yelled, then retreated one by one, avoiding Ruth's punch. However, Ruth has six arms. This punch was empty, and the other five days, her arms clenched her fists and rushed over.

With a bang!

Luo Xiaoman was blown out!

"Master!" Ming Chan's heart was shocked, and he looked at Luo Xiaoman who was blasted into the air with a look of surprise. Is this fake? With the strength of the master, it will not be blown away!

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