The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1379: You are a disaster star!

Looking at the messy land, Chi Chi couldn't imagine that if they were in it, they would be torn apart by the terrifying force.

Under such a terrifying power, presumably this dragon soul ban should be smashed, right?

With a bang!

Luo Xiaoman put the big hammer on the ground, panting heavily, cracks appeared on her skin, but it was cracked by that powerful force.

She raised her eyes and looked at the dragon soul restraint ahead, her pupils suddenly shrank, and saw that the dragon soul restraint was unharmed, not even a crack.

"How is it possible?!" Luo Xiaoman widened his eyes, and said in disbelief: "The drop mark just now can be hammered out of Qinhuai City, so why can't even a dragon soul be banned?"

"Hahaha!!" Suddenly, Hei Yan laughed wildly, and said mockingly: "The ultimate move you just made can indeed break the dragon soul restriction. But..."

He squinted his eyes, and there was a playful divine light in them. "Don't forget, this seat is a dragon that can control space, Black Flame! Your killer move just now has been transferred to a different space by this seat. It is estimated that the different space has been wiped out!"

Luo Xiaoman's mind was tight, and he ignored such important information.

She was so anxious just now that she was so worried about Mo Yuan that she had missed many details and made a big mistake!

"Now you are completely relieved!" Hei Yan said jokingly, "I'll tell you, from the beginning, this seat will not only refine the Demon Lord, but also take you away!"


At this moment, Osiris flew up again, and a pair of Tonglings slammed over persistently.

Luo Xiaoman gritted his teeth and was about to wield the big hammer, but found that he was weak and couldn't lift the big hammer at all.



At the moment, Chi Chi and Da Bai rushed up, blocking Osiris!

"Little master, let's stop him, you go quickly!!" Chi Chi flapped his wings, a fiery flame rolled out, and Osiris was forced back.

At the same time, Dabai's whole body's hair stood upside down, and a wave of cold light flew out, all piercing Osiris.

However, Osiris didn't know the pain and was not afraid of the fire, so he killed him frantically.

Luo Xiaoman understood that the current Osiris had become a puppet of Heiyan, and there was no feeling at all except for killing.

"You can't escape!" Hei Yan grinned, and said frantically: "You will all be buried with me!!"

In the battle of the ancients, he was badly injured by the king and reluctantly hid in Hidden Dragon Abyss.

Later, Tian was pitiful and asked him to find the Hao Tianzhu, which could repair his injuries, only to restore his peak strength one day and find the King of Ren for revenge.

However, a human kid came out, ruined everything, and took away his Hao Dzi Beads, hurting himself.

In order to gain enough power in this Asura Dao, he did not hesitate to swallow the lowly alien beast soul to repair himself, and then seek revenge from Luo Xiaoman.

However, this little guy actually killed him again.

"Why? You always want to destroy the good things of this seat?!" Hei Yan said angrily: "If you don't come to Hidden Dragon Abyss, we will not be enemies at all."

"Because of your appearance, this seat has swallowed even these low-level alien beast souls. Did you know? Swallowing these low-level alien beast souls can only restore half of its strength at most, and there will never be a way to return. peak."

"You are the disaster star in this constellation!"

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