The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1380: 1380 Awakening! The last guardian spirit beast!

"Hehe." Luo Xiaoman twitched the corner of his mouth, his beautiful eyes shining with firm divine light. "I tell you now, I am not only your calamity, but also the one who will destroy you!"

"Dreaming!" Hei Yan curled his lips and said mockingly: "You can only bury this seat!"


At this moment, Luo Xiaoman activated the Hao Dzi again and blocked this space.

"Little Master!" Seeing this, Chi Chi's pupils shrank and exclaimed: "What do you want to do? Don't do stupid things!"

"This is not a stupid thing." Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said lightly: "However, it's just a little crazy!"

After that, she took out a lollipop and held it in her mouth. The sweet taste made her head more awake.

"Now that the space here is blocked, you can't transfer my attack to another different space."

"You lunatic!" Hei Yan's eyes widened, looking at Luo Xiaoman in disbelief. "Do you still want to forcefully break the dragon soul ban?"

"Not bad!" Luo Xiaoman gave a loud bang, bit the lollipop to pieces, then resisted the feeling of loss of strength, and raised the big hammer. "I must blast your dragon soul restraint and save Yuan!"

"little Master!!"


Chi Chi, I'm so anxious!

With Luo Xiaoman's current physical condition, if he had to forcibly activate the Hao Dzi and transform his strength to absorb it, it would be suicidal at all!

Her body is no longer allowed to withstand such amazing strength again!

However, when they wanted to come back and stop the little master, Osiris screamed and stopped them again.

This guy is almost like a demon, even if he is burned all over, he can still be alive and kicking!


Luo Xiaoman activated Hao Dzi again!

Suddenly, Hao Tianzhu frantically absorbed the surrounding power again, then transformed it into Luo Xiaoman's body.


Luo Xiaoman snorted and vomited a mouthful of blood, terrifying power raging in his body like a wild beast.

She squinted her eyes, raised her hand and wiped the corner of her mouth. With the surging of these forces, the sense of loss of strength disappeared.

However, this also means that Luo Xiaoman has entered a state of resurrection.

Once this state ends, it means reaching the end of life.

"Not enough!!" Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes and constantly turned his power onto the big hammer. Cracks had appeared on his body, and blood was constantly leaking out.

"You are really a lunatic!!" Hei Yan was furious and roared constantly, but he had poured all his power on the dragon soul restriction, and he could only watch Luo Xiaoman do crazy things. "You are going to exchange your life for your life!!"

"Heh, who said I want to change my life?" Luo Xiaoman twitched the corner of his mouth, his eyes gleaming with strange light. "I, and Yuan, will not be buried with you!"

The voice fell, and a blue light gleamed from her body.

Seeing this green light, and feeling the aura coming out of it, Chi Chi, and Da Bai couldn't help but be stunned.

this is……


A frantic roar exploded, and the blue light turned into a fierce beast, standing proudly behind Luo Xiaoman.

This fierce beast, blue like a tortoise, carries a mountain peak on its back, its limbs are as strong as a rock, drags three tails, and swaggers slowly behind its back!

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