The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1398: The whereabouts of the little master!

"The tide of monsters?!" Lao Lin was startled slightly, his face was blank, the hookah in his hand clanged and fell to the ground. This is the frontier, and Warcraft is scarce, so how come there is a wave of Warcraft?

"Roar!!" Suddenly, a crimson wolf-shaped monster flew out, and directly threw the adult man to the ground.

The adult man struggled, trying to get out of the suppression of this wolf-shaped monster.

However, for this monster, his struggle was completely futile.

"Ah!!" With a scream, the adult man was bitten to death by the beast.

Seeing this scene, the villagers finally reacted and fled one after another.

It's just that when they just fled to the end of the village, another dust billowed in.

"Couldn't there be a wave of monsters here too?" Lao Lin's eyes widened, his legs trembled, and he was so scared that he couldn't move.

"Woo, I don't want to die yet!"

"What's going on? Our sand village has always been calm, why is there such a disaster!"

"The Supreme Immortal, please save us!"

Many villagers cried, wailed, and prayed. In front of Warcraft, these simple ordinary people had no power to fight back.


At this moment, a wave of cold light flew out, strangling all the monsters rushing in front.

Seeing this, the hearts of many villagers trembled, and then they saw an army rushing over.

"It's the prince!!"

In front of the army, there was a handsome, heroic man riding a horse.

He attacked the battle armor, held a silver gun, and continuously shot out a wave of cold light, strangling these monsters.

Zhu Changsheng's eyebrows were dignified, and his heart was dark. This was the third wave of monsters he supported. If this continues, his army will only be exhausted.

"All the soldiers obey the orders, kill the monsters and rescue the civilians!"


Suddenly, Zhu Yanguo's army rushed to the tide of monsters, and rescued these villagers from the dire straits.

Compared with the previous ones, the strength of these soldiers is stronger and more fierce. This is a policy of elite soldiers implemented after Zhu Ying became the new prince.

This policy was also supported by Zhu Yingtian.

Soon, Zhu Yanguo's army repelled the two waves of monsters, which made the villagers of Sha Village grateful.

"The big prince, thanks to you this time, otherwise we will all die under the mouth of these monsters." Lao Lin put his hands together and said in constant gratitude.

"You don't have to be polite, it should be." Zhu Changsheng nodded, and then passed an order to sort out the war damage and settle these troubled villagers.

It is impossible for people to live in Sha Village now.

There have been two waves of monsters here, which means that the next wave of monsters will also impact.

"The prince, what do you say about the recent wave of monsters?" Lieutenant General Liu walked over and asked with a puzzled look.

Zhu Changsheng raised his head, glanced at the gloomy sky, and muttered: "It's been a year, maybe it was the approach of the nine thunder tribulations that caused these visions."

"Nine Thunder Tribulation?!" Lieutenant Liu's mind tightened, and he said in surprise: "The prince, is it..."

Zhu Changsheng nodded and said solemnly: "It's just that, so far, there is still no whereabouts of the little master, and I don't know if she is in any trouble."

Of course, with the strength of the little master, what trouble can haunt her?

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