Of course, he believed even more that the little master was to survive the nine thunder tribulations, and he did not know where to retreat.


Suddenly, a cloudy wind blew over, causing Zhu Changsheng to tremble.

"Not good!" His pupils shrank and exclaimed: "Immediately withdraw from the sand village and return to the barracks."

He is so familiar with this feeling!

This is the yin and cold breath exuding from evil!

However, before the soldiers could react, a series of gray figures emerged from the ground, constantly cruising in the air.

"It's evil!!"

"Where did so many evil creatures come from? Could it be that Xuanzong left them a year ago?"

"Impossible! A year ago, Xuanzong's evil creatures were all dealt with!"

The soldiers looked at the evil spirits screaming in mid-air with a look of astonishment, and their hearts tightened. There are many veterans who have experienced evil spirits here, and naturally they know how powerful these evil spirits are.

These evil spirits are immune to physical attacks. No matter how powerful they are now, it is difficult to fight these terrifying evil spirits!

"I'll cover you!!" Zhu Changsheng gritted his teeth and yelled: "You quickly retreat with the villagers!"

After speaking, he took out a jade talisman, and activated it by turning the real yuan.

Suddenly, the jade charm radiated a dazzling light, and a defensive light curtain was laid to isolate these evil spirits from his people.

This jade charm was given by Luo Qi in order to prevent such emergencies.

Originally, he thought he would never encounter evil spirits again, who knows how long it took before he encountered such a large-scale evil attack.

Judging from the current situation, even with this jade talisman, there is no way to resist it for too long!

Boom boom boom!

With a burst of roar, these evil spirits madly impacted the defensive light curtain, constantly consuming the power in the jade charm.

Zhu Changsheng kept his face sullen, and kept turning his true essence in, supporting this light curtain.

However, as the attack of evil became stronger and stronger, the light of the defensive light curtain became dimmed.


At this moment, a sharp whistle blew up, and a huge evil spirit appeared among the evil spirits.

This huge evil creature was pale, the nails on both hands shone with dim brilliance, and a pair of eyes jumped with blue flames.

"I..." Seeing this evil monster, Zhu Changsheng couldn't help being savage. He didn't expect that there was such a big guy in these evil monsters. This was to kill them.

"Hey!" The huge evil screamed with a harsh scream, then waved two arms and slammed against the defensive light curtain.


There was a burst of explosion, and cracks appeared in the defensive light curtain.

At the same time, cracks appeared in the jade charms in Zhu Changsheng's hands.


The huge evil spirit raised two arms again, ten black nails, shimmering with cold light, and patted it hard.



This time, the defensive light curtain finally couldn't bear it, turning into pieces.

Zhu Changsheng's mind tightened, and a huge force came, causing him to fly out and land heavily on the ground.

"The prince!!"

"Don't come over, go quickly!"

Losing the protection of the defensive light curtain, countless evil spirits surged over like a tide, rushing towards the soldiers and villagers of Zhu Yan Country.

At the same time, the huge evil spirit stared at Zhu Changsheng, and after letting out a scream, he flew over.

Huh huh!

At the moment of the moment, golden lights flew over and nailed the huge evil to the ground.

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