The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1400: They are all from Luo Xiaoman!

Seeing this, Zhu Changsheng's pupils shrank, and his face was stunned. Could there be any strange people here? I hope it's not the enemy!

"The disciples of Luo Xuanzong listened to the order and collected all these evil things!" With a cold drink, one by one cultivators wearing the same costumes flew over.

They held each vajra pestle in their hands, pointed them at each evil spirit, and even took them in easily.


"No, it's Luo Xuanzong!" At this moment, a blue-haired man walked over and gave Zhu Changsheng a friendly smile. "Hello, I am the Sect Master of Luo Xuanzong, Lan Xi."

Zhu Changsheng was startled slightly. He had heard of this Luo Xuanzong, and seemed to be a new sect that was very active recently and often went down the mountain to eliminate harm to the people.

Not only that, as a new sect, they were originally squeezed out by other sects, but later with absolute strength, they beat other sects fiercely and quickly became a sect that cannot be ignored.

Rumor has it that the reason why Luo Xuanzong can rise so quickly is because it possesses a mysterious magic weapon that can greatly increase the speed of cultivation.

This magic weapon has also aroused the coveting of many forces.

It's just that Luo Xuanzong's strength is strong, and there is an ancient mountain guarding formation, so that these forces can only envy but dare not do it.

"Zhu Yanguo, eldest prince, Zhu Changsheng!" Zhu Changsheng stretched out his hand, shook Lan Xi, and said, "Aren't you inland? Why did you get to the frontier?"

"Actually, we have been pursuing this evil creature." Lan Xi glanced at the huge evil creature nailed to the ground and coldly said: "Unexpectedly, this evil creature escaped to the frontier. It's really cunning!"

"Sect Master Lan, do you know why so many evils have appeared recently?" Zhu Changsheng asked solemnly.

"Yeah." Lan Xi nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Heaven and earth visions must have a big catastrophe. Recently, there are frequent visions, but in the near future, there will be nine thunder tribulations."

Hearing what he said, Zhu Changsheng was even more convinced of his guess that all of this stemmed from the nine-fold thunder tribulation of the little master.

He couldn't help worrying in his heart that such a terrible vision would happen to the heavens and the earth before the nine thunder tribulations came. If this came, wouldn't it be a disaster on earth?

"The prince, I wonder if you know a woman named Luo Xiaoman?"


Zhu Changsheng was startled slightly, as if he hadn't expected Lan Xi to mention the little master.

"Looking at you, you should know, right?" Lan Xi raised her eyebrows and smiled: "In fact, Luo Xiaoman is the real sovereign of our Luo Xuanzong."

"Um, won't it?" Zhu Changsheng was stunned, looking at Lan Xi blankly. "Little Master, is Luo Xuanzong's Sect Master?"

"Little master?!" Lan Xi's eyes lit up, and she looked at Zhu Changsheng unexpectedly, and said in surprise: "Is the eldest prince and Sect Master Luo a master-disciple relationship?"

"Not bad!!" Zhu Changsheng nodded, but a touch of pride appeared on his handsome face. "This prince is indeed a disciple of the little master. However, this prince did not expect that the little master has the status of Sect Master Luo Xuan."

"I have seen brother!"

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Zhu Changsheng was depressed, why did he become a senior?

"Senior, you are a disciple of the Sect Master, isn't it normal for me to call you Senior Brother?" Lan Xi blinked and said solemnly.

Zhu Changsheng listened for a while, hey, thinking about it, it seemed to make sense.

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