The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1438: The mysterious Mount Lomu!

The East Emperor Bell is arguably the most indestructible magic weapon in the world, and has the reputation of absolute defense.

With it, it is equal to one more life, you can ignore all attacks!

It's just that the whereabouts of Donghuang Bell has been unknown, and the immortals are hard to find, but now it was taken out by Luo Mushan, how can it not shock Luo Xiaoman!

"East Emperor Bell?!"

When the Eastern Emperor Bell appeared, the Lord Qingcang also noticed, and the hand holding the teacup shook slightly, sprinkling a lot of tea soup.

The white light trembling all over her body meant that she was very excited at the moment.

"Lord Qingcang, how is this possible?" Xuan Youlin widened his eyes, looked at the bronze bell in front of him with a shocked expression on his face, and trembled: "East Emperor, one of the three great artifacts. Zhong, how could it be here?"

"Heh, nothing to be surprised." Lord Qing Cang's eyes sank, and Bai Guang returned to peace again. Only the hand holding the teacup tightened and murmured: "It seems that the Luo family is not as simple as the surface. "

"Lord Qingcang, do we want to take action?" Xuan Youlin looked over eagerly. This is one of the three divine tools, the Eastern Emperor Bell, which is known as absolute defense. Once they get this divine tool, they will not be afraid of anything. enemy.

At this moment, a sharp gaze swept over Xuan Youlin's mind.

He trembled, looked nervously at Mount Luomu in the distance, and said grimly: "He, did he see us?"

"Heh, this is a warning!" The Lord Qingcang's voice was with a hint of doubt. It seemed that the Luoshen Mountain, which had only the strength of Yuan Yingqi, could make Xuan Youlin's heart tremble, even she herself was inexplicably nervous. .

"East Emperor Bell, we can't move for the time being." She took a sip of tea, suppressing the waves in her heart, and said lightly: "After today, we will ask the Supreme Immortal Venerable to make a decision."

"Understood!" Xuan Youlin nodded, and looked at Luo Mushan with lingering fear. What is this man's background, even with just one look, he can shock his mind.

Rumble! !

The sixth sky thunder was steadily blocked by Donghuangzhong, giving Mo Yuan a chance to breathe.

At the same time, under the protection of the Eastern Emperor Bell, Luo Xiaoman can concentrate on accumulating his strength to perform the strongest three forms of breaking the sky.

"Mo Yuan, you did a good job." At this moment, Luo Mushan glanced at Mo Yuan and smiled with satisfaction: "You have protected Xiaoman well this year."

Mo Yuan was slightly startled, and pursed his lips. He felt ashamed for Luo Mushan's praise.

After all, for a while, he and Xiaoman separated.

Although the separation time was not long, for him, even if Luo Xiaoman suffered a slight injury, he could not shirk the blame.


At this time, Luo Qingyi and Luo Qinghen looked over.

Their eyes are hot, and after a year, the father who left without saying goodbye finally returned.

"Haha, brat, you haven't changed at all." Luo Mushan said with a grin: "But, Qinghen, why are you so sloppy and didn't even shave your beard? Hey, Tsing Yi, how do I feel you are a little different What? It seems...more man?"

Luo Qinghen's face was depressed, while Luo Qingyi's blush was hot, and Chen Muyu next to him was even more shy.

"Oh, I understand!" Seeing this, Luo Mushan understood, and blinked at Luo Qingyi, showing an ambiguous smile. "You guys are good. I have become a real man after leaving this time. It's Blue Mark, you have to come on."

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