Luo Qinghen's face was crying, and his heart was so depressed, how could he hit him when his father came back?

He glanced at Luo Qingyi, and Chen Muyu, huh, it's great to have someone?

Oh, I want to have someone too! !

Everyone was surprised when they saw the appearance of Mount Luomu.

However, what made them even more shocked was that the Eastern Emperor Bell he took out, this magic weapon, could actually block the amazing sixth sky thunder, it shouldn't be too powerful!

Compared with Donghuangzhong, Luo Sheng's Triple Gate is simply a younger brother!

"President, I'm afraid this bronze bell is not small." Tong Ming frowned and said with a look of surprise.

"Heh, the origin of the bronze bell is indeed not small, but..." Hu Yanruofeng squinted his eyes, staring at the calm Luo Mushan, and muttered: "He is the most unfathomable."

He had already found out the details of the Luo family a long time ago. It was a small family that had made a fortune in Baicheng and had small achievements.

Everything seemed so ordinary except for the little ancestor Luo Xiaoman.

However, the strength shown by Luo Mushan now is not ordinary at all.


Perhaps in order to awaken these old-timers, the sixth sky thunder exploded with a terrifying power, and the three thunders once again united and shook the Eastern Emperor Bell.

It's just that the East Emperor Bell was always like an unclimbable mountain, blocking the sixth sky thunder to death, unable to injure Luo Xiaoman below.

"Little Man, Donghuang Bell can only defend, not counterattack." Luo Mushan narrowed his eyes and said loudly, "Come on, use your big hammer to smash it."

"Okay!!" Luo Xiaoman yelled, ready to go, and suddenly wielding a big hammer, his body was shining with blue light, and he slammed into the sixth sky thunder.

"Three styles of breaking the dome, first style, falling marks!!"


In the sky, a huge hammer appeared.

This big hammer exudes unprecedented power, as if to shatter this space.

Under the power of this hammer, everyone felt difficulty breathing, as if the hammer came down, even the air was compressed.


The big hammer hit the sixth sky thunder.

The mighty and overbearing sky thunder was like a heavy blow, being hammered away from the ground, turning into countless tiny thunders, and blasting around indiscriminately.

"Empress Queen Earth!!"

At this moment, Mount Luo Mu gave a low cry, and the Eastern Emperor Bell hummed and suddenly turned into small bronze bells, blocking these tiny thunders.

Luo Xiaoman's eyes lit up, and he looked at Mount Luo Mu in surprise. It is worthy of being one of the three great artifacts of the East Emperor Bell. With it sitting in town, there is no need to worry about hurting others.

"Little Man, don't stop!" Luo Mushan frowned, watching the thunder rolling in the sky with a solemn expression. "This nine-fold thunder tribulation is spiritual, it feels your resistance, and it will be killed in a more terrifying way."

"Yes!" Luo Xiaoman also felt that the all-pervasive killing intent, like a needle, penetrated his skin and penetrated into his heart.

The fiercer she resisted, the stronger this day's calamity would be!


Luo Xiaoman's eyes shrank, and he entered the state of accumulating energy again, and his body was shining with blue light.

The next three forms of breaking the sky will be displayed in a more domineering and tyrannical posture.

Fortunately, Ying Xiao awakened, otherwise she would not be able to withstand this pressure at all due to her physical condition!

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