The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1442: The third form, devour!

For a time, everyone saw a scene that will make them unforgettable for a lifetime!

Countless demon souls and evil spirits gathered in the sky, all gathered by Luo Xiaoman's side under the lead of all directions.

They were like a huge whirlwind, spinning frantically around Luo Xiaoman.

At this moment, Luo Xiaoman is their master!

"Xiao Ming, Sister Ling Yan, sorry, let your evil spirits be used as a use."

"Master, do whatever you want. But you must survive!"

"Little Miss, you must be safe."

Luo Xiaoman nodded, then spread his hands, feeling the power of all directions and the wailing of various evil spirits.

They foresaw their fate and wanted to dedicate themselves to Luo Xiaoman, but they could not escape.

The ten directions are all destroyed, suppressing the Tibetan Dragon Abyss for thousands of years, and the evil things absorbed in it are unimaginable.

Luo Xiaoman's idea is very simple. It is to release all the evil things in Shi Fang Ju An to help her resist the eighth sky thunder.


Following Luo Xiaoman's soft drink, the ten directions all shuddered, and the ten Ling cones around the circle burst and fell to the ground.

The body of the ring is constantly growing, turning into a circular door.

In the next moment, countless evil things surged out of it, and the amount was huge, like a torrent, filling the entire sky.

Everyone was stunned, looking at this scene in disbelief.

They have never seen so many evil things, and they have never thought that they will see these evil things fighting against the catastrophe in their lifetime.

Suddenly, they felt a little funny. At this moment, they expected that these evil things could help Luo Xiaoman defeat Tianlei.


Following Luo Xiaoman's call again, the 梼杌 battle armor was removed from his body and turned into a huge 梼杌.

He looked up to the sky and roared in anger, and covered many evil things under the shining blue light.

Many evil things roared and struggled frantically, but they couldn't escape the blue light.

In the next moment, Ying Xiao opened his mouth and swallowed all these evil things.

"Xiao Ming, you can now see the third form of Big Brother Ying Zhao, devour!" Chi Chi said excitedly.

Ming Chan's mind tightened, even if he didn't need to explain with Chi Chi, he knew that Ying Lu would make big moves next.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were attracted by the power of the 梼杌, unable to move away.

When the last evil thing was swallowed, Ying's body was completely covered by the blue light, and even Luo Xiaoman's figure disappeared in this blue light.


The eighth thunder, come down!

At the same time, a giant appeared under a burst of blue light.

He is ten feet tall, covered with heavy blue scale armor, and his three tails are slowly swaying behind him, exuding domineering power.

"Break!!" Luo Xiaoman stood proudly on the giant's forehead, screamed, clenched his fist, and blasted towards the eighth sky thunder.

At the same time, the blue giant also waved his fist and bombarded the eighth sky.

This punch that gathered countless evil things hit the eighth sky thunder, and the thunder light unicorns rushed over frantically.

"Master (Little Man)!" The crowd smashed their necks, flushed, and shouted: "Shatter it!!"

boom! !

A violent blast exploded, and the entire space seemed to be torn apart, plunged into chaos.

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