Under this terrible disaster, the dazzling thunder light kept shining, causing everyone to close their eyes uncontrollably.

When they reopened, they couldn't help being calmed by the sight before them.

Everything around it seemed to be in chaos, and the cracks in the space were torn out by the thunder. The power of the space that came out constantly wreaked havoc on the earth, bringing a thick breath of death to the world.

Fortunately, Mount Luo Mu and Mo Yuan teamed up to set up a powerful barrier to protect everyone.

Otherwise, at the moment when the eighth thunder fell, it would be impossible for everyone to survive.

"It's terrible!" Zhi Wu was stunned, her face pale, and she trembled: "Is this the horror of the Nine Thunder Tribulation?"

"Haha, if it weren't for Mo Yuan and Patriarch Luo's action in time, I'm afraid we would have died." Hu Yanxiu's face was also ugly. Under this mighty power, he was like a small dust without any Room for resistance.

They couldn't imagine whether Luo Xiaoman could survive this wave of mighty power.

"Look! Teacher Xiaoman is still alive." Bai Hang exclaimed, and everyone's eyes immediately focused on the mid-air, a petite figure standing proudly and unscathed.

Against the backdrop of the chaotic and messy scene, she is so handsome, her eyes gleaming with firm divine light, without fear of the roar of thunder.

"Great!!" Ming Chan waved his fist and exclaimed excitedly: "The master's plan was successful!! Thousands of evil things blocked the eighth sky thunder."

"No!" Suddenly, Luo Qi frowned tightly and looked at the all directions in the air with a solemn expression. "Even though the all directions are the ultimate treasure to suppress evil things, under this thunder, it's still a bit close."

"Uh, but the master did block..."

Before Ming Chan finished speaking, the ten directions in mid-air disappeared with a click, and it was so broken.

When everyone's minds tightened, they saw the thunder in the sky once again become frantic, and the thunder that agitated, blasted towards Luo Xiaoman.

"Little Man (Master)!"

Everyone exclaimed, but saw a flash of blue light, and the stunned armor was worn on Luo Xiaoman's body again.


Thunder blasted on the armor, and could not hurt Luo Xiaoman half a point. After all, this was just the aftermath of the eighth thunder, and its power was limited.

Seeing this, everyone was relieved.

"Xiaoman, there is also the ninth thunder." Luo Mushan clenched his fists, staring at the thin Luo Xiaoman in mid-air, worried: "How to resist this ninth thunder?"

Everyone's mind sank. The ninth thunder and the last thunder, the power of which can be imagined.

"Xiaoman still has a hole card." Mo Yuan, who was next to him, looked calm and said lightly.

Hole cards! ?

Everyone looked excited. Could it be that there is a magic weapon that is more extinct than all directions, or is the Eastern Emperor Bell more powerful and can resist the ninth thunder?

"Father, you take the others to evacuate here." At this moment, Luo Xiaoman's voice came over and said in a serious tone: "This last thunder is several times stronger than the eighth thunder. They Can't bear this thunderous momentum."

"Little Man..."

"Father, trust me." Luo Xiaoman turned around and glanced at Luo Mushan, showing a shallow smile. "I will definitely come back alive and will never disappoint you."

Mo Yuan opened his mouth slightly, just about to speak, but Luo Xiaoman interrupted him.

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