The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1452: Yuan, what do you want to do?

"Time is almost up." Ling Tian didn't answer her doubts, but looked at the sky solemnly.

Suddenly, a breathtaking momentum agitated from the black cloud and continuously spread out in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, a white light shone from the black cloud, stirring the entire black cloud.

These black clouds revolved like a whirlpool, and were absorbed by the Hao Tianzhu hidden in it.

"Old Ling Tian, ​​what are you going to do?" Luo Xiaoman felt a strange feeling in his heart, realizing that what was about to happen was not so good.

"Hehe, don't worry, you'll know when you look at it." Ling Tian smiled and sold off, a madness in his tone. "Didn't I just say it? I will do something that Supreme Immortal Venerable strongly opposes. However, this matter is a good thing for you."

"Good thing?" Luo Xiaoman sneered and said contemptuously: "But, why do I think things are going to be bad?"

When the voice fell, she suddenly raised her hand and aimed at Hao Dzi Bead. "Get me back!"

"It's useless." Ling Tian squinted Luo Xiaoman and said lightly, "Don't you find it? The moment Hao Tianzhu left you, is there any difference in the power in your body?"

Luo Xiaoman was startled slightly. She really didn't notice this. Now Ling Tianyi reminded her to check her own body.

"I'm going to you..."

Seeing the empty sea of ​​anger, Luo Xiaoman was so angry that he almost exploded!

It's no wonder that the big hammer just hit the past, and there was a feeling of ineffectiveness, but the sea of ​​Qi was emptied by the Hao Tianzhu.

Not only that, the Hao Tianzhu has now absorbed the power of the ninth thunder and swallowed the power of the thundercloud. With such an amazing power, what does Ling Tian want to do?

Mo Yuan next to him squinted his eyes and clenched his fists tightly. He was ready to unlock the ninth seal if something went wrong!

Intuition told him that only by unlocking the ninth seal can he be sure to control this Ling Tian.

"Mozun, don't be swaying your mind." Ling Tian tilted his gaze and said meaningfully, "The little guy next to you, don't want to see such a result!"

Mo Yuan's heart tightened. Could it be that this old man spied on his heart?

"Yuan, what do you want to do?" Luo Xiaoman was so clever, he immediately understood what Ling Tian meant and stared at Mo Yuan closely. "Are you going to unlock the ninth seal?"

Mo Yuan opened his mouth, his eyes flickering, but he didn't know how to answer.

He can't bear to deceive Xiaoman!

"Yuan, you promised me that you will never unlock the ninth seal." Luo Xiaoman grabbed Mo Yuan's hand and said firmly with a look: "I don't care what happens next, even if it is the end of the world, I will not Allow you to unlock the ninth seal."

"Xiaoman..." Mo Yuan felt the temperature coming from Luo Xiaoman's hands, still trembling with a hint of trembling, and he couldn't help but hugged her into his arms. He said in a low tone, "I know you don't I’m willing to tell me the reason, because I’m afraid I’ll think about it. But at this point, I want to know the reason.”

"You, like me, have been cursed by the Supreme Old Thief." Luo Xiaoman sighed and quietly told Mo Yuan the truth.

She knew that with Mo Yuan's character, once she was in danger, she would definitely break the ninth seal at all costs.

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