The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1453: Fusion of the Three Realms and Six Paths

"Once you unlock the ninth seal, you will burst into death and disappear completely from this world." Luo Xiaoman clenched his fists, and his body trembled involuntarily. "I would rather see the world collapse than see you disappear, understand?"

Mo Yuan was stunned!

It turned out that Xiaoman tried so hard to prevent himself from unlocking the ninth seal, but what about it?

Although he was cursed by the Supreme Immortal Venerable, he was still a more cruel curse than the Nine-fold Thunder Tribulation, but he felt that Luo Xiaoman cared about him, and everything was relieved.

"I understand!" Mo Yuan held the slightly trembling Keren tightly, and his voice revealed a firmness. "I promise you that I will not unlock the ninth seal."

"Hey, did you sprinkle dog food again?" Ling Tian curled his lips and said dissatisfiedly: "Now, the good show is about to begin."

As the words fell, the vast sky beads suddenly exploded and turned into a larger ball of light, which fell heavily on the ground.

Suddenly, this chaotic space was instantly suppressed.

Endless power is released from the Hao Tianzhu, passing through layers of space, connecting each other.

"From now on, the three realms and the six realms will be melded again." Ling Tian opened his eyes and exclaimed excitedly: "The barrier of the Three Realms of the Immortal Demon is no longer an obstacle to the exchange of the three realms."

what? !

Hearing this, Luo Xiaoman's heart trembled.

Ling Tian's purpose was to make the Three Realms and the Six Paths merge into a great world without boundaries?

"Old Ling Tian, ​​you are crazy!" Luo Xiaoman shouted violently, and said angrily: "You are doing this to destroy the human world!!"

"Luo Xiaoman, don't you understand?" Ling Tian looked over and said lightly: "The Three Realms and Six Paths in the ancient times were originally integrated, there is no so-called boundary wall, what I do now is just to let Everything returns to the original."

"Besides, didn't you see the clue when you came out of the Asura Way?"

Luo Xiaoman was startled slightly, recalling that she had worked hard to liberate the power rules of Asura Dao.

Especially, at the most critical moment, an invisible force restrained her, Mo Yuan, and Hao Tianzhu, and there was no way to liberate the power rules of the Asura Dao.

This pressure is almost a year.

They also brewed for a year before they brewed enough power to break through this imprisonment and liberate the power rules of the Asura Dao.

"Old man Ling Tian, ​​do you mean that not only the Shura Dao, but the power rules of the human world are also sealed?"

"Haha, chatting with smart people is to save trouble." Ling Tian laughed. "You are right. In order to suppress the human world and the power rules of other worlds, the past fairy world and the devil world did one thing together, which is to seal the power rules of other worlds!"

"They did this to control the dominance. They don't want to have other world creatures beyond themselves besides the two worlds of immortals and demons."

Luo Xiaoman was shocked!

In order to gain absolute dominance, the Immortal Demon Two Realm has sealed the power rules of other worlds!

It's no wonder that Shura Dao has been recuperating for so long, and the strength is not advancing but retreating, but this is the same thing?

"Once the boundary wall of the Three Realms and Six Paths is broken, everything will be restored to its original state. Even if the Immortal Realm wants to regain control and dominance, it has to be weighed and weighed." Ling Tian squinted his eyes, two sharp divine lights shot out from his eyes, muttered. Muttered: "After all, the person who sealed the Second Realm of Immortals and Demons was in the realm of the world!"

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