Luo Xiaoman nodded, and then pointed to the second part, which is also the core of Qinhuai City. "This is the core. All operations of Qinhuai City will adjust power from here. So..."

She looked at Hu Yanruofeng and said sincerely: "I hope Grandpa Dean can lead the instructor of the Holy Academy to enter the core. One is to arrange the enchantment, and the other is to be a guardian and take care of the core."

"No problem!" Hu Yan Ruofeng thought for a moment, then nodded, and said: "I will arrange for a tutor to study a strong enough barrier to protect the core. In addition, I will also find Hu Yan's family and take care of the core together."

Luo Xiaoman's eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, "If Hu Yanjia joins, the core problem should be very simple!"

"Xiaoman, you should let me be responsible for the outer layer, right?" Zhu Yingtian understood, and pointed to the top layer of Qinhuai City. "This is the protective cover of the floating city. I will specially arrange for the army to stay in town, and then arrange various city defenses."

Luo Xiaoman nodded and confirmed Zhu Yingtian's statement.

Of course, this is just a preliminary plan. There are many things to prepare if you want to fly into the misty fairy world.

However, these things are not considered for the time being, and only after Qinhuai City is built into a floating city can they be unfolded one by one!

Human cannons, various beast crystal nuclei, and city defense facilities... and only Luo Qinghen is qualified to design, otherwise ordinary city defenses can't resist fierce attacks if they are coveted by other forces.


She can take this opportunity to turn Luo Xuanzong into the state sect of Zhu Yan, and at the same time, the nine-story exquisite tower can also serve as the pillar of the floating city, and at the same time increase the concentration of aura in the city, so that everyone's cultivation speed will increase.

"Great godfather, godfather, daddy, and dean grandfather, I will work hard for you next!" Luo Xiaoman bowed to them and said sincerely: "We try to complete the floating in the sky within a month. city!"

"So urgent?"

"If I'm not wrong, after a month, the world will be completely in chaos. Only by completing the floating city can we have more advantages."

A month later, if the Qiang clan declared war on the misty fairy world, fierce battles would surely break out.

At that time, the Three Realms and Six Paths will inevitably be involved, causing the great world that has just completed integration to become fragile.

If the floating city is completed on time, they can get more shelter.

Coming out of the palace, Luo Xiaoman looked at the night sky, and took a deep breath, calming down his restless mood.

"Xiaoman, don't worry. The emperor will do their best to complete the floating city." Luo Mushan thought that Luo Xiaoman was worried about the progress, so he couldn't help coming over and comforting him.

Luo Xiaoman shook his head, glanced at Luo Mushan, and smiled lightly: "Daddy, I am not worried about this. I'm just thinking, should we set off?"

"Huh?" Luo Mushan was startled slightly and looked at Luo Xiaoman blankly.

"We should go to the Xuanyuan clan and bring the mother back." Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes, and there was a frightening cold light in his eyes.

Mo Yuan caught this cold light, and understood that Xuanyuan was going to be unlucky!

So far, no matter how big a power's background is, once Luo Xiaoman's eyes are on, the results will be miserable.

Mo Yuan hooked his lips, then smashed a jade talisman, sending a message to the evil master, Zhong Li.

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