The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1473: Qingcang's situation

The top of Yunyi, Qingcang Palace.

Xuan Youlin frowned, standing in confusion at the gate of Qingcang Palace.

Since the Lord of Qing Cang came back from Qinhuai City, he shut himself in and never came out, which made him very worried.

All because Luo Xiaoman has been through the nine thunder tribulations, the three realms and six ways have merged into one, and many things are disturbing and need to be dealt with by the Lord of the Qing Dynasty. If this continues, the ten sects of the right way will definitely be in chaos.

"You Lin, come in." At this moment, a hoarse voice came from Qingcang Palace.

Xuan Youlin's eyes lit up, and he quickly walked in.

When he stepped into Qing Cang Palace, he saw a figure surrounded by white light and walked slowly over.

"I have seen the Lord Qingcang!" Xuan Youlin said respectfully on one knee.

"No gift!" The Lord Qingcang waved his hand and said faintly: "Now that the three realms and six ways are merged into one, the world is turbulent, we Qingcang must go to the Misty Immortal Realm and communicate with the Supreme Immortal, what should we do next? ?"

"Lord Qingcang, are you saying... Misty Immortal Realm has also appeared in the human world?" Xuan Youlin's pupils shrank and said suspiciously.

"Not bad!" The Lord Qingcang nodded, and said lightly: "Now the barriers of the Three Realms are gone, and the entrance of the Misty Fairy Realm appears on the misty top of the Central Plains."

Hearing this, Xuan Youlin was extremely excited.

Their cultivators, practicing desperately, are nothing more than to cultivate to the extreme, so as to fly into the misty fairy world.

Ever thought that now the door of Misty Fairy Realm was so open, why didn't I get excited?

"You Lin, I know what you are thinking." The Lord Qingcang lowered his eyes, looked at Xuan Youlin deeply, and said coldly: "The fusion of the three realms and six ways into one seems to be a good thing, but in fact this one It will cause endless chaos."

"Imagine that the humans in the human world were the spirits of all things, but now immortals, demons, Shura, monsters, and ghosts pop up all of a sudden, do you think you can still be as calm as before?"

Xuan Youlin's heart tightened. Thinking of the details, his excitement suddenly sank. "Master Qingcang, what should we do now?"

"I just said, first communicate with Misty Immortal Realm, and then stabilize the situation as soon as possible." The white light beside the Lord Qingcang trembled, revealing a sharp edge. "We have to stand firm in troubled times and increase our appeal in order to block the impact of other races!"

"Understand!" Xuan Youlin nodded solemnly.

Now all forces are emerging. If they don't gain a firm foothold as soon as possible, they will easily be squeezed by other forces.

At that time, the Qing Cang who originally ordered the ten sects will become weak and deceptive!

"Yu Lin, tomorrow you will go to the Misty Peak to see the Supreme Immortal."

"Me?" Xuan Youlin was taken aback, staring blankly at the Lord Qingcang, as if he didn't expect him to be so honored to step into the ethereal world. "Really?"

"It's not convenient for me to walk around, so you can only go." The Lord Qingcang sighed and said quietly: "You don't need to be nervous. Don't forget, you represent Qingcang and a member of the Misty Immortal Realm."

"Yes!" Xuan Youlin lowered his head quickly, extremely excited.

Unexpectedly, one day he could enter the Misty Fairy Realm even if he didn't emerge ascending, it was really incredible.

"That's right!" Suddenly, Xuan Youlin turned around and asked suspiciously, "What should Luo Xiaoman do?"

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