Xuanyuan Zhan glanced at Xuanyuan Wuyin gratefully. This way, his embarrassment was resolved and he could accept this magic sword in a fair way.

"Zhan, you name this magic sword!" Xuanyuan Wuyin turned around and handed the magic sword to Xuanyuan Zhan.

"This sword is extremely sharp and hides murderous intent, so it's called Burst!"

Hearing this name, Luo Qinghen curled his lips, secretly contemptuous in his heart, it would be better to name it himself.

"Second brother, what name did you give it?" Luo Xiaoman asked curiously. She also felt that the name Burst was very dirty.

"Hey, what I got is the super invincible explosive sword! How about it, is it super awesome, super powerful?"


At this moment, Luo Xiaoman felt that Xuanyuan Zhan's name was very good, and it was high-end and high-end!

"Xiaoman, do you want me to change Xuanyuan Zhan's name?"

"Don't!" Luo Xiaoman said quickly: "You have given away someone, how can you ask others to change their name? Right?"

"That's right!" Luo Qinghen frowned, thinking it was the same thing!

Luo Xiaoman couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that he had dispelled this idea.

The most important thing is that this body is hers now!

"Okay, I'll announce it!" Xuanyuan Wuyin swept the crowd around, and said solemnly: "It will be Mr. Ruo and Miss Xueqing who enter the third round of trials..."

"and many more!"

At this moment, Xuanyuanmeng stood up and said solemnly: "Patriarch, I think Mr. Ruo violated the rules of the test."

"Huh?" Xuanyuan Wuyin frowned and looked at her suspiciously. "how do I say this?"

"In the second round of testing, our materials are uniform. But when Mr. Ruo tested it just now, why did the magic sword have explosive characteristics?"

That said, everyone is also quite surprised!

Logically speaking, judging from the materials arranged by Xuanyuan Wuyin, it is impossible to have materials with burst characteristics, so where does this characteristic come from?

Xuanyuan Wuyin was also aware of the mystery here. From just now, he was so amazed by Luo Qinghen's refining technique that he ignored the potential problems of this magic sword.

Where does this burst feature come from?

"So, I'm sure that Mr. Ruo cheated." Xuanyuan Meng raised his hand and said coldly, "He secretly added other materials during the process of refining."

"What?!" Everyone's hearts were shaken, and they looked at Luo Qinghen with surprise. If a master refiner like him cheated during the test, it would be a shame!

"Mr. Ruo, what the **** is going on?" Xuanyuan Wulin narrowed his eyes and stared at him coldly. Although Mr. Ruo's skill in craftsmanship is beyond doubt, this kind of sneaky thing is the most contemptuous behavior of the craftsman.

"Haha, what a master craftsman, in order to win, I can do whatever it takes to win, I'm pretty knowledgeable." Wang Quan knew that he had no hope of being promoted, so he took the opportunity to get down and take Mr. Ruo to death.

"Mr. Ruo, I originally admired you! I still want to learn more from you, but..." Xueqing also looked disappointed, and turned her back to wiping away tears. In fact, she felt happy. flower.

Look at your fancy, look at you arrogantly proud, now you get beaten up, right? Next, you just wait to face the anger of Xuanyuan Clan!

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