"Is there any misunderstanding in this?" Lu Fei frowned, trying to defend Luo Qinghen.

He had noticed that Wang Quan and the others might be calculating Mr. Ruo, but now suddenly a Xuanyuan Dream popped up and testified against him face to face. There must be fraud in it.

"Hmph, Lu Fei, don't think that you hug your thighs and protect the Lord faithfully." Wang Quan squinted over and shouted. "If you are in the same foul play with Ruolin, we will treat you as a dregs in the crafting world and completely block them!"

Lu Fei was stunned. He didn't expect Wang Quan to be so cruel that he even moved out of the crafting world. "Wang Quan, I just think I should treat everything rationally. What's more, how do I feel that you have been calculating Mr. Ruo, who knows if you are secretly making things happen?"

"Tsk tsk, a dog is a dog, so loyal to protect the Lord, indiscriminately, will your conscience not be uncomfortable?" Xueqing shook her head, and said with disappointment: "We believe that Xuanyuan is just and fair. In other words, the materials we allocated are absolutely the same."

"What's more, we couldn't get in touch with the materials before we started. As a result, now that this is happening, he didn't secretly put in other materials, how can we explain it?"

Lu Fei stalked his neck, always feeling that something was wrong and wanted to refute, but couldn't find a breakthrough.

He glanced at Luo Qinghen, but saw that he was panicking, as if something had been revealed.

At this moment, Lu Fei was dumbfounded!

Could it be that Mr. Ruo really cheated?

"Mr. Ruo, what else do you have to say?" Xuanyuan Wuyin stared at Luo Qinghen coldly, and said, "Although your craftsmanship level is very high, but this kind of character, no matter how high your level is, you are not qualified to help. The refining of artifacts."

Upon hearing this, Wang Quan and the others laughed!

They thought that Xuanyuan Wuyin would value Ruolin's skill in refining, and spoke specifically for him, but in the end, he thought more about it.

At this moment, they just wanted to give Xuanyuan Wuyin a thumbs up, shouting, "Good job!"

The corners of Xuanyuanmeng's lips rose slightly, and he looked at Luo Qinghen who was panicked with a mocking look. This is how you provoke me!

How nice if you let Yuan out? I will keep you safe, but you don't know what is good or bad, and you just want to fight me, don't blame me for being cruel!

"I, I don't!" Luo Qinghen looked panicked, but what he said was so weak that it was even more convinced that it was cheating.

"Don't quibble anymore!" Xuanyuanmeng stood up and added another sentence. "When I gave you the materials, I could check it many times. It was the same as other people's without any problems. However, as a result, the magic sword you refined had more characteristics that it shouldn't have."

"Ah!!" Suddenly, Luo Qinghen shouted loudly and rushed towards Xuanyuanmeng.

Xuanyuanmeng's mind tightened and was taken aback, completely unexpected that Luo Qinghen would bite people eagerly.


Luo Qinghen pinched Xuanyuanmeng's neck and slammed it to the ground.

"Stop it!!" Xuanyuan Wuyin reacted and hurriedly signaled Xuanyuan Zhan to save people.

However, a figure flashed over and blasted towards Xuanyuan Zhan with a punch.

With a bang!

The power of this fist was comparable, and the rippling energy lifted the surrounding dust away, making the figures of Luo Qinghen and Xuanyuanmeng hazy.

"Haha, do you want to yin me?" At this time, Luo Xiaoman had regained control of the body, his eyes were shining with a mysterious light, staring at Xuanyuanmeng closely.

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