The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1531: Four strange and ugly!

"No!" Luo Xiaoman shook his head, and said confidently: "I just observed the expression of the saint, there is still a trace of anger that has not completely dissipated in her eyes, that is, the one she just saw People must have a great relationship with them to arouse her anger."

"Although the unknown strong man may be the target of the saint, there is another point that, besides anger, there is a trace of jealousy in the eyes of the saint."

"Xiaoman, do you want to be such a god?" Luo Mushan exclaimed, looking at Luo Xiaoman in disbelief. "I didn't see anything, how can you observe so meticulously?"

"My mental power is very strong, so I see a little more." Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips, revealing a sly smile.

"Xiaoman, did you think of a way now?" Seeing her smile, Luo Mushan's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to ask.

Luo Xiaoman nodded, then glanced at the four guards outside and whispered: "Daddy, do you have a way to attract the attention of these guards?"

"Simple!" Luo Mushan raised his eyebrows, then shouted to the four guards. "You four crooked melons, come here quickly!"

"Huh?" A guard looked over, looking at Mount Luomu with a blank expression. "What's the matter with you?"

"I asked you to come over, then come over, where is so much nonsense?" Luo Mushan's arrogant face made this guard very angry, so he came to teach him.

"Hey, are you the only one? The others, come together!" Luo Mushan's nose was about to go up to the sky, and his arrogant appearance was not like a prisoner at all, making the other three guards itchy. "Why do you see me? Have the ability to beat me up! Your grandfather is waiting here!"

Luo Xiaoman and Mo Yuan looked at each other, and then took a step back in silence.

What a shame!

They thought there was a good way in Mount Luomu, but it turned out to be so simple and rude!

"You, crooked mouth and garlic nose, a lot of ugly. And you, buck teeth, nothing more, still short, destined to be lonely for life! And you, you, like a fool, four together, it is really strange The four ugly monsters!" Luo Mushan launched a crazy complaint to the four guards, almost trying to complain about them.

Of the four guards, one was originally enough, but after Luo Mushan made such a complaint, all of them were so angry that they all came up.

"You're so cool, aren't you?" The four guards walked over with sullen faces. "I will let you know now what is better than death."

"Hey hey, your mouth is so stinky? Is it because of blowing the cowhide?" Seeing the four guards getting closer, Luo Mushan kept winking at Luo Xiaoman and asked her to act quickly.

"Daddy, what's the matter?"

"Xiaoman, aren't you going to stun these guys?"



Luo Mushan was stunned and stunned. If it wasn't for these guys to stun, what was going on? He glanced at the four guards who were already standing in front of the door and were about to open the cell door. Once these guys came in, he estimated that he would end up miserably.

They are now sealed in a sea of ​​anger, and they can't operate their true essence.

"Xiaoman, think about a way." Luo Mushan was anxious, knowing that Xiaoman didn't want to stun these guys, so he should restrain himself a little bit, don't complain like that!

"Oh, you are dead!" A guard clicked and opened the cell door. "Come on, experience what life is better than death."

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