"Don't mess around!" Luo Mu Shan's expression was solemn, his chest was raised, and he wanted to frighten the opponent with his aura and shouted. "We are the patriarch!"

The four guards glanced at each other, then sneered, not paying attention to the threat of Mount Luomu in the slightest.

"Don't worry, we won't kill you, we will only make you paralyzed. What's more, the person the patriarch wants to protect is Mr. Ruo, not you!" The four guards walked over to Luo Mushan with savage faces.

"I'm going!" Luo Mushan exploded. "Four big brothers, spare my life, I was wrong!"


When the four guards raised their hands and grabbed Mount Luo Mu, they felt that their bodies were photographed, and the whole person froze suddenly.

"Huh?" Luo Mushan blinked and found that the eyes of the four guards had become hollow, as if they had lost their souls.

"Little man?!"

He quickly turned around, and saw Luo Xiaoman's eyes flashing with a mysterious light.

"Daddy, look at you!" Luo Xiaoman chuckled and laughed. "I never said to knock these guys out, but I can control them!"

"They sealed my anger, but they didn't seal my mental power!"

The strength of these four guards is in the **** transformation stage, it is still quite difficult for Luo Xiaoman to control the four together.

For this reason, she deliberately asked Luo Mushan to anger the four people and walked into the cell. In this way, it would be much easier to control them through physical contact.

"Huh, Xiaoman, you scared me to death." Luo Mushan rolled his eyes, and said in a bad mood: "Don't play like this next time! Daddy is old and can't stand the scare."

"I know!" Luo Xiaoman smiled, then looked at the four guards with a serious expression, and said: "Three of you, go and guard the door, the other stayed, put on my clothes, and lay on the ground. "

Suddenly, the four guards nodded dumbly.

Immediately afterwards, three of the guards returned to their original positions, while the other took the clothes from Luo Xiaoman's hands and put them on his body, and lay on the ground.

"Daddy, Yuan, you stay here to prevent others from coming in."

"it is good!"

Luo Mushan nodded, then grabbed Luo Xiaoman's hand and said: "Xiaoman, I will see your Xianer mother later, please tell me, I miss her."

Luo Xiaoman was so excited, he coughed and said, "Daddy, do you want to be so numb?"

"Hey, you and Mo Yuan are only allowed to be numb, but I am not allowed to kiss your mother? Anyway, I have eaten a lot of your dog food these days, so why should I give it back to you?" Luo Mushan He pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

"Yes!" Luo Xiaoman shook his head helplessly, and then walked out of the cell.

"Little dragon, come here!"

Following Luo Xiaoman's hello, Xiaolong got out of Mo Yuan's arms, flew over with a slam, and got into her arms.

"Xiaolong, I will count on you later." Luo Xiaoman lowered his eyes and glanced at Xiaolong.

"Mother, don't worry, they will send you to the 18th floor safely." Xiaolong blinked his mung bean eyes and said seriously.

Luo Xiaoman touched Xiaolong's head, then glanced at Mount Luo Mu and Mo Yuan again, and walked towards the entrance of the sixth floor.

Now Xuanyuan Wuyin wanted to appease the tribe and prevent others from doing anything to them, so he would definitely try to avoid other people coming in and contacting them.

Even if someone comes over, I believe that Dad and Yuan will be able to cope with it. No matter what, she and Xuanyuan will tear their skins. Who is afraid of whom?

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