"Mother, this way!"

"There is a trap here, you can't approach it!"

"Yes, go around here, turn back again, and go out again!"

Under Xiaolong's guidance, Luo Xiaoman walked through several layers of prison safely. This feeling was like walking in his back garden without the slightest pressure.

"Xiaolong, after eating so many black crystals and swallowing Heiyan, have you become stronger now?" Thinking that Xiaolong had swallowed Heiyan not long ago and fell into a deep sleep. He woke up at this moment without strength. Know how much improved?

"Well, how do you say?" Xiaolong tilted his head, and then his figure was deformed and twisted, and finally turned into a little cute baby with two horns.

The little pink face and big eyes that don't work, look like a porcelain doll!

Luo Xiaoman was stunned!

She looked blankly at the little dragon who had become a little cute baby. The sudden change of this guy caught herself by surprise.

"Xiaolong, how did you become like this?"

"Yes!" Xiaolong tilted his head, the original small mung bean eyes had become a pair of big brass eyes, shining with a deep light. "After people swallowed the black flame dragon soul, I felt that my body was a lot fuller, and it seemed that there was something more. Now I can transform into a human form at will."

"Hehe!" He smiled and walked over to hug Luo Xiaoman. "In this way, people can hug my mother!"

Luo Xiaoman rolled his eyes, raised his hand and rubbed a few hairs that this guy had grown out of, and said angrily: "Dare you turn into the way you are now, just want to hug your mother?"

"No!" Xiaolong blinked a pair of eyes, and said earnestly: "I wanted to be a little bigger so that I could hold my mother like a dad, but it is a pity that he can only turn into a child's state."

Luo Xiaoman frowned. Could it be that Xiaolong's transformation is limited by strength? With his current strength, he is equivalent to a child, how strong will he become in adulthood?

What is certain is that the current Xiaolong is not in the peak state, otherwise it will definitely turn into an adult.

"Come on, Xiaolong, reward you with a lollipop, let's continue." Luo Xiaoman took out a lollipop and handed it to Xiaolong.

Suddenly, Xiaolong's eyes lit up, exclaiming again and again. "Mother, you are so kind. People have been thinking about lollipops for a long time."

"Haha, you behave well, there will be some in the future." Luo Xiaoman touched Xiaolong's horns and said softly.


Then, with a lollipop in his mouth, Xiaolong's eyes sparkled with different lights, and he found various organs and traps on this level.

"Mother, come here!"

Luo Xiaoman followed closely, avoiding one trap after another.

They have now reached the tenth floor, and the lower they go, the fewer prisoners. After all, they can be caught by the Xuanyuan Clan, especially not many people in the deep layers.

"Mother!" Suddenly, Xiaolong stopped, staring solemnly at the entrance of the 17th floor. "There is a strong breath here."

Luo Xiaoman's heart shuddered, and it seemed that the seventeenth floor was the mysterious person who was sensed by Yuan.

"This breath is very powerful, even stronger than my mother and father." Xiaolong turned his head, and a dignified touch appeared on his pink face. "Are we going in yet?"

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