"The reason why Xuanyuan Ling'er let Wang Quan join in was not to allow him to complete the magic weapon, but to treat him as a sacrifice to a divine weapon." Luo Xiaoman's tone gradually cooled down, and a cold flash flashed in his eyes. Divine light. "This woman wants us all to be Kunlun sacrifices!"

At this moment, Luo Xiaoman realized the terrible fourth artifact!

This artifact is so weird before it is born, it can quietly devour human spirits. Once it is born, wouldn't all the creatures in the world be swallowed by him?

The artifact Kunlun must never be born!

"Ah!!!" At this moment, Wang Quan and Xueqing exclaimed one after another. They seemed to have encountered an extremely terrifying thing, their faces became hideous and twisted.

When the people outside saw it, they were all surprised.

They clearly saw that Wang Quan and Xueqing's skin and hair quickly dried and shriveled, and it didn't take long before they became the appearance of an old man.

With a bang!

Xueqing and Wang Quan are like two rags, shaken out by an invisible force.

"What's the matter? Why did they become like this?" Everyone exclaimed again and again, they were all startled by the scene before them.

"Don't worry, everyone," Xuanyuan Linger said. "Wang Quan and Xueqing had limited refining skills, and they were defeated by magic weapons."


Everyone had doubts, but they also accepted this explanation.

They are also craftsmen, and can judge that these three magical artifact embryos are all extraordinary things, and it will take a lot of effort to perfect them.

It's just that the scene in front of me is too weird.

Fortunately, Mr. Ruo is doing well here, and there is no scene of Wang Quan and Xueqing, but he feels relieved a lot.

However, everyone was relieved, but Xuanyuan Linger was not at all relieved.

No matter how good Mr. Ruo's refining level is, at this time, he will definitely be swallowed by magic weapons, and become old-fashioned.

"Holy woman, don't worry." Xuanyuan Wuyin walked over, calming down. "Mr. Ruo is an extraordinary person, and wearing a hood, he can't see his appearance clearly, but with the power of the artifact, he can't escape. We just need to be patient and wait.

"Yeah!" Xuanyuan Ling'er nodded, staring at Luo Xiaoman's side with a pair of eyes.

At this time, Luo Xiaoman had already cursed Xuanyuan Ling'er with all kinds of crude language.

This woman is really vicious!

The reason she came up with such a test was all to treat them as sacrifices to the fourth artifact, Kunlun!

Had it not been for the second elder brother to find out early, it is estimated that they would have been swallowed up most of their spirits, like Xueqing and Wang Quan, and would age.

"Second brother, this head is starting to exert strength, we can't hold it for long!" Luo Xiaoman's tone revealed a dignified tone.

"I know." Luo Qinghen frowned, while maintaining the state of refining, resisting the swallowing of the head. "Xiaoman, think of a way to help me divert other people's attention."

"Okay!" Luo Xiaoman agreed. The situation is urgent now. No matter whether she can divert the attention of others, she must do her best.

"Chi Chi, come out!" Following Luo Xiaoman's call, Chi Chi came out. Needless to say, the master and servant looked at each other and understood.

"Huh!" Chi Chi let out a cry, flapping a pair of wings, and igniting a hot flame.

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