Chi Chi's appearance instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"This is the Scarlet Fiend?!" Xuanyuan Ling'er looked at the majestic Chi Chi and exclaimed: "Is it a beast bred from the flame of Scarlet Fiend?!"

"How is it possible?!" Xuanyuan Wuyin frowned and said with a surprised expression: "Why does such a strange thing appear on Mr. Ruo's body?"

Even though the red evil spirit can also manipulate the red evil flame, she is bred from the red evil flame after all. It is only part of the characteristics of the red evil flame that she cannot burn all things in the world.

However, even so, such a noble and rare monster is definitely not a mortal can own.

However, they could clearly see that Chi Sha emerged from Mr. Ruo, which means that Chi Sha was still his guardian spirit beast.

"Hmm!!" Chi Chi let out another cry, and the flames on his body surged like waves, filling the entire black box.

She received instructions from the little master to be high-profile, arrogant, and attract everyone's attention as much as possible!

For this, she can make noises as much as she wants!

"Second brother!!" Luo Xiaoman whispered, giving Luo Qinghen a signal.

In order to attract everyone's attention and cover Luo Qinghen, she is now risking her identity and summoning Chi Chi.

Of course, she also bet that Xuanyuan's news was blocked, and she didn't know that Luo Xiaoman was outside.

"Not good!!" Xuanyuan Ling'er exclaimed, and quickly raised his hand to open the black box.

Suddenly, a flame rolled out and surged in all directions.

"War!!" Xuanyuan Wuyin let out a low voice, and Xuanyuan Zhan next to him immediately moved.

I saw the burst in his hand with a violent wave, a powerful sword light shone out, splitting the surging flames.

At the same time, he turned around, drove all the flames, turned into a flame tornado, and went straight into the sky.

After a long time, the flame was restrained, and everything was calm again.

Xuanyuan Ling'er turned his gaze, and saw Luo Xiaoman walk out slowly, and the cloth strip covering his eyes was also taken off.

She frowned slightly and thought, through the ring she wore on Luo Xiaoman's hand, there was nothing wrong with it.

"Sorry, I used too much force just now, I scared you all." Luo Xiaoman smiled, hugged everyone and said apologetically.

Everyone looked at each other. They didn't seem to think that Luo Xiaoman could make such a noise. Now that he walked out casually, could he have completed the refining?

"However, fortunately, I have completed the final refining."

Luo Xiaoman's words confirmed everyone's guess.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes turned to that head, and they saw that the head was completely formed, full of flesh and blood, and full of spirituality.

Seeing this, Xuanyuan Linger couldn't help showing a smile, which was even better than she expected.

"As expected of Mr. Ruo, your refinement level is even worse than I am."

"Where!" Luo Xiaoman waved his hand again and again, then glanced at Wang Quan and Xueqing, pretending to be surprised, "Oh, how did they become like this?"

"Hmph, they are overwhelmed by their ability, and they were bitten back by the magic weapon." Xuanyuan Ling'er curled his lips and said mockingly: "It's up to you to end up like this."

Wang Quan and Xueqing were resentful in their hearts, but they were exhausted.

Only now did they understand that they had been calculated by Xuanyuan Linger.

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