The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1554: You gave me a reason to insist!

If Mr.'s actions were too sudden, she couldn't react completely, and there was no time to stop them!

In fact, she had two plans in her heart, one was to tame Obsidian Sunfire, and the other was not.

Xuanyuan Linger thought about it, once Mr. Ruo couldn't tame the obsidian sun flame, he could still provide a lot of cooperation in refining the divine artifact, but now it was reduced to ashes and everything returned to the original place.

"Holy woman, look!" Suddenly, Xuanyuan Wulin widened his eyes, pointed to the obsidian sun flame in front, and exclaimed tightly in his throat: "Mr. Ruo is not dead!"

what! ?

For a moment, everyone's eyes focused on Obsidian Sun Yan again.

From the cracks in the flames, they saw that Mr. Ruo was in it safe and sound, no matter how fierce the flames were, they could not harm her.

How can this be?

Everyone is trapped!

Obsidian sun flame is the most blazing spiritual fire in the world, anyone who throws in it will undoubtedly die. But, what is going on now?

When Luo Xiaoman plunged into the obsidian sun flame, he had already put down all resistance and let the flames sweep through his body.

However, when the obsidian sun flame was about to burn her body, she became gentle again.

Luo Xiaoman laughed!

She was right. Even though Obsidian Sunfire was the most blazing flame, the extremes of things must be reversed. Behind the infinite blaze, there is often the ultimate gentleness.

For this reason, when she unloaded everything, opened her heart, and accepted Obsidian Yangyan, the gentleness hidden by Obsidian Yangyan was also released to her.

This may seem simple, but in practice, it is extremely difficult.

No one can fully open their hearts under such blazing flames and let these flames burn themselves.

You know, this is not just giving up resistance physically, but also letting go of one's soul and accepting the blazing obsidian sun with all his heart.

Even a strong person like Xuanyuan Zhan couldn't face it calmly in front of Obsidian Yangyan!

However, Luo Xiaoman did it!

She reborn as a human, has not experienced anything, and has a strong will, as well as spiritual power, so that she can truly open her heart and accept Obsidian Sun Yan.

"Done!" Luo Qinghen felt the affinity of Obsidian Yangyan, and couldn't help shouting excitedly: "Xiaoman, you really did it!"

"Well, this is the second brother's contribution!"


Luo Qinghen was stunned!

How can this be his credit?

He was obviously watching by the side, did nothing, he could only do it in a hurry!

"Second brother, if it were not for my determination to give you Obsidian Sunflame, it would not be possible to persist until the last moment!" Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips and smiled lightly: "You gave me a persistence. Reason!"

"and so……"

When the voice fell, Luo Xiaoman raised his hand and the Obsidian Yangyan immediately converged and turned into a spherical object, falling into the palm of her hand.

Seeing this scene, everyone took a breath.

They thought that taming the obsidian sun would definitely shake the world and weeping, but who knew that Mr. Ruo raised his hand and tamed it.

In the next moment, Luo Xiaoman stuffed the spherical object at this moment into his heart.

What everyone saw was stuffed into their hearts, but in fact, Luo Xiaoman had already sent this obsidian sun flame to Luo Qinghen's hand through mental power.

Thanks to each other's spiritual fetters, even though the Obsidian Yangyan was tamed by Luo Xiaoman, he was also branded with Luo Qinghen.

In short, Obsidian Yangyan was deceived by Luo Xiaoman!

It is estimated that when Obsidian Yangyan reacted and found that his master had changed, he was helpless.

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