The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1555: The strongest fighting puppet!

"Congratulations, congratulations!" Xuanyuan Wuyin clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Mr. Ruo for conquering the Obsidian Yangyan, one of the Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire."

"You are polite! I am so grateful for Xuanyuan's gift." Luo Xiaoman replied and said with a faint smile: "Next, I will definitely help the saint to complete the refining of the artifact."

"Mr. Ruo, let's just start." At this moment, Xuanyuan Linger raised his hand, and three beams of light rose into the sky, illuminating the entire square.

Luo Xiaoman looked over, his pupils suddenly shrank, and these three beams of light turned out to be part of his body.

Together with the body they refined before, it looks like one person!

"It's a fighting puppet!" Luo Qinghen's voice sounded, revealing a trace of surprise. "Unexpectedly, the fourth artifact refined by the Xuanyuan clan turned out to be a battle puppet!"

It is estimated that few people know the battle puppet better than Luo Qinghen.

In order to give Luo Xiaoman a strong bodyguard, Luo Qinghen has always studied battle puppets deeply, and the general is his most outstanding work.

"Xiaoman, this battle puppet is halfway through, and the next step is to put the limbs together to make it a real battle puppet." Luo Qinghen said solemnly, "From the aura of this battle puppet, This is probably the most powerful battle puppet between heaven and earth."

Even the general is just a younger brother in front of him.

Suddenly, the broken arms, broken legs, and heads floating on the square seemed to be echoed, and a burst of light burst out, forming six pillars of light with the other three parts, enclosing the entire square.

When many Xuanyuan clan saw this scene, their hearts were surging.

They didn't think that they could see the style of the artifact today, it was dead without regret.

The most important thing is that they can even witness the birth of the artifact and create a new history for the Xuanyuan clan!

"Come!" Xuanyuan Ling'er raised his hand, and the brilliance of the six beams of light was condensed, and the six magic weapons immediately gathered together and surrounded her.

Looking at these six magic weapons and feeling their aura, Luo Xiaoman's chaotic body also became restless.

Is this really just a magic weapon?

Even the phantom ring did not give her such a strong feeling!

She felt that this was more like a sealed person than a magic weapon.

"Mr. Ruo, this is my fourth artifact of the Xuanyuan family, Kunlun!" Xuanyuan Linger's eyes flashed with crazy colors. "As long as you help me complete Kunlun, you will be my Xuanyuan family's benefactor, and all the unhappiness in the past will be wiped out."

Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips and clasped his fist, saying, "It is Ruo Mou's honor to be able to participate in the refining of the artifact.

"Mr. Ruo, it's too Qian." Xuanyuan Ling'er smiled slightly, then glanced at Xuanyuan Wuyin next to him.

Xuanyuan Wuyin understood his mind, his eyes sank suddenly, and he said loudly, "Evasion, cloth barrier!"

Suddenly, everyone exited the square one after another, and a light curtain rose up, covering the entire square.

At the same time, Xuanyuan Zhan flew up, hovering above the barrier, with a pair of eyes gleaming, vigilant for all changes around him.

Seeing this battle, Luo Xiaoman sighed secretly in his heart, it seems that Xuanyuan Ling'er had already prepared!

The thickness of this barrier, unless she fully used the three forms of breaking the sky, the first form, the drop mark, otherwise it would be difficult to break through an ordinary attack.

What's more, there is a Xuanyuan Zhan sitting outside, and no one can shake the people inside.

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