"Get up!!" Xuanyuan Ling'er spread his clothes, raised his hands, and a blue flame boiled on the palm of her hand, unexpectedly rippling with an icy breath.

"Chilian Lenghuo?!" Luo Xiaoman's mind trembled. No wonder Xuanyuan Linger's attitude towards Obsidian Yangyan was so cold. It turned out that Chilian Lenghuo had one of the heaven and earth spirit fires.

If Obsidian Sun Flame is the extreme blazing, then Chilian Lenghuo is the extreme cold!

"Not bad!" Xuanyuan Ling'er stared at the six magic weapons that were constantly spinning around her, and said proudly: "To complete Kunlun, Obsidian Yangyan and Chilian Lenghuo are indispensable. This is why we have to convene so many. The reason why Master Mixer came here."

Suddenly, Luo Xiaoman felt enlightened for a while!

Their purpose is to find a refiner who can be recognized by Obsidian Sun Yan.

It's just that, even if the refining level is sufficient, it may not be recognized by Obsidian Sun Yan. This is simply gambling.

"What if I can't tame Obsidian Sunfire?" Luo Xiaoman asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Heh." Xuanyuan Ling'er squinted and said with a sneer: "I have my own way. However, it will cost a lot."

She said this price lightly, but it is estimated that it is not something Xuanyuan can afford.

Otherwise, how could they give Obsidian Sunfire to others.

"Mr. Ruo, please sacrifice the obsidian sun."

"it is good!"

Luo Xiaoman nodded, then closed his eyes and let Luo Qinghen take over the dominance of his body.

Suddenly, her temperament changed, which made the sophisticated Xuanyuan Wuyin aware of a hint, but now the situation is urgent, so she didn't think much.


A blazing flame rose in Luo Qinghen's hand, constantly exuding a blazing flame aura, which formed a sharp contrast with Chi Lian's cold fire.

Is it cold on one side and hot on the other?

These two breaths were incompatible with each other and reached a weird balance.


With Xuanyuan Ling'er's soft drink, the six magic weapons spun up and immediately formed a human form.

However, between the torso of these six magic weapons, there seems to be something blocking them, and there is no way to form them together.

For a while, Chilian Lenghuo and Obsidian Yangyan rolled over, refining these connection points so that they can be combined together.

"Xiaoman, this artifact is terrible."


"Maybe you don't think so, but as a person directly involved in refining, I can feel the power contained in this divine tool."

Luo Qinghen's mind tightened, and he swallowed subconsciously, and said: "As long as I am not careful, the two spirit fires will lose their balance, causing the power to maintain the balance of the connection point to collapse, and the detonating power is enough to destroy it. The entire Yanhuang Village."

"So scary?" Luo Xiaoman's heart tightened, and he was shocked. Simply losing the balance of the power to maintain the connection point is enough to destroy the entire Yanhuang Village. Once the artifact is born, won't it destroy the world.

"My mother is right! This artifact must never be born. It is really too dangerous." Luo Qinghen squinted his eyes and said coldly: "This is an uncontrollable artifact."

The three artifacts can exist because of their controllability.

However, this artifact gave Luo Qinghen the feeling that it was dangerous and uncontrollable.

Once the owner can't control this artifact, it will be backlashed by the artifact, making it a masterless magic weapon, and thus a scourge!

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