When the voice fell, Xian'er and Xuanyuan Zhan moved at the same time.

The two of them jumped in from the left to the right, their body skills shooting like lightning, their spears and magic swords constantly colliding, and the rippling vigor stirred the surrounding dust.

"No, isn't it?" Luo Xiaoman was dumbfounded, watching this scene blankly. "Xian'er mother can actually fight Xuanyuan Zhan to this point?"

Once, she had also seen Xian'erniang shoot herself, but her performance was average.

However, now the performance of the mother of Xian'er is definitely more than that of a god-changing stage. Is it that the mother of Xian'er has been hiding her strength all the time?

However, she can also understand why Xian'er's mother could say such arrogant words at the time, after all, she has this strength herself!

Xian'er and Xuanyuan fought inextricably over here, Xuanyuan Wuyin was not idle there, and ordered the other Xuanyuan people to attack Mount Luo Mu.

"Roar!!" The little dragon roared angrily and turned into a desolate ancient magic dragon, blocking all Xuanyuan clan members.

He has now swallowed Black Flame, and there are countless black crystals, and his strength has been greatly improved. Although a large part of it has not been refined, it is still enough to fight against so many Xuanyuan Clan.

Xuanyuan Wuyin's eyebrows were solemn, and he had to join the battle personally, but was stopped by Mo Yuan.

For a while, he and Mo Yuan fought.

Although Mo Yuan's strength was a bit worse than Xuanyuan Zhan's, he completely suppressed Xuanyuan Wubian. However, Xuanyuan Wuyin's attack method is very secretive, and it will not be able to solve him for a while.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Ling'er looked at the scene of the melee with a blank face, and his heart was in a mess.

Why did the original layout become like this? Just a little bit, Kunlun could be born, but now they are all messed up by Luo Xiaoman.

No, it should be said that it was screwed up by the Luo family!

Why is this happening? Xuanyuan Ling'er muttered to himself, her eyes were constantly flashing with different lights, and she asked, why is this happening?

What Xuanyuan Xian'er dare not do, I, Xuanyuan Linger, dare to do!

What she couldn't do, I also did it!

But why should I give me this result? Could it be that I, a sister, can only live in the shadow of my sister forever?


At this moment, a burst of noise exploded, and Xuanyuan Zhan and Xian'er separated.

Xuanyuan Zhan's breath became thick and heavy, and Xian'er's hair was messy, and sweat dripped on her forehead. From this point of view, she had fallen into a disadvantage.

"Oh, I'm old, I can't compare to your young people." Xian'er shook his head with a wry smile, then turned over the spear and stuck it to the ground. "But, no matter how old I am, I will never let you, a young man, hurt my daughter."

When the words fell, Xian'er kicked the spear, and immediately followed, taking the spear and stabbing towards Xuanyuan Zhan.

This shot seemed unremarkable, but in fact it had hidden murderous intentions.

Xuanyuan Zhan squinted his eyes, and suddenly the figure moved, and three figures were separated.


Xian'er was startled slightly, and was stunned by Xuanyuan Zhan's trick.

Just for a moment, the two clones of Xuanyuan Zhan attacked from the side and stopped her castration.

At the same time, the last clone stabbed with a sword.

"Mother!" Luo Xiaoman's pupils shrank and rushed up quickly, but one of them rushed up faster.

With a bang!

Luo Mushan squeezed Xuanyuan Zhan's Explosive Sword in one hand, staring at him gloomily, and said, "Boy, it's my old man's turn to meet you for a while."


"Xian'er, don't worry about me!"

"No!" Xian'er shook her head and said depressedly: "I mean, you will be lighter later. In addition to being a bit foolish, Zhan'er is still a good boy!"

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