The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1565: Your uncle will always be your uncle!


Luo Xiaoman was stunned, she originally wanted to care about her father, who knew that Xian'er's mother was amazing!

Why lighter, why is it just a child?

Daddy, are you really so good? That was the first warrior of the Xuanyuan clan, Xuanyuan Zhan was not a cat or a dog!

"Xiaoman, father is very strong." At this moment, Mo Yuan stood beside Luo Xiaoman, staring at Mount Luo with a serious expression.

"How do you know?" Luo Xiaoman tilted his head, his small face filled with suspiciousness. If the old man is so powerful, how could there be scars on his face?


These two words of Mo Yuan caused Luo Xiaoman's eyes to roll.

At this time, Xuanyuan Zhan slammed the bursting sword, pointed diagonally at the ground, and stared at Mount Luo Mu with cold eyes. "The defeated generals dare to speak wild words?"

"Tsk tusk!" Luo Mushan curled his lips and stepped out, his eyes gleaming with frightening divine light. "War, if it weren't for the East Emperor Bell, and the safety of Xian'er, how could I be hurt by you?"

He raised his hand, touched the scar on his face, and took a bite. "This scar is not an ordinary ugly!"

"Since I can defeat you once, then I can defeat you a second time!" Xuanyuan Zhan squinted his eyes, his aura gradually rose, and he kept surging towards Luomu Mountain.

His aura, like a scourge, rushed violently.

However, in the face of his momentum, Luo Mushan was calm and calm, without a trace of panic on his face.

He took a step forward and broke the knuckles casually, making a crisp sound.

With this crisp sound, Luo Mushan's momentum suddenly surged out, welcoming the momentum frenzy of Xuanyuan Zhan.

Xuanyuan Zhan's pupils shrank, and his face was unbelievable. It seemed that Luo Mu Mountain could explode with this level of aura, which was completely different from before.


There was another crisp sound of the knuckles, and Luo Mushan just stepped forward while breaking the knuckles, but his aura became more and more violent, and in the end he even pressed Xuanyuan Zhan's aura back.

"Zhan, remember one sentence, your uncle will always be your uncle!" Luo Mushan hooked his lips and smiled evilly. "You think you are great, but the uncle made you!"

Xuanyuan Zhan's pupils shrank, but he saw Luo Mushan kick his legs suddenly, like a thunderbolt shot at him, the speed has exceeded the range of his eyes.


Xuanyuan Zhan's eyes widened, but Luo Mushan squeezed his face with one hand, swept over him with a violent momentum, and locked him firmly.

"The scar you left on Lao Tzu's face, now I'll give it back to you!" Luo Mu Shan let out a low voice and slammed Xuanyuan Zhan to the ground.

There was a loud bang!

Xuanyuan Zhan was pressed into the ground by Mount Luo Mu, and a cloud of dust was thrown up.

"I'm a good boy!" Luo Xiaoman was so handsome by Luo Mushan's hand. "Daddy is too violent, right?"

Mo Yuan twitched at the corner of his mouth, his guess was correct, Mount Luo Mu was indeed very strong!

When Luo Mushan was in Baicheng, he had always hidden his strength, and it was understandable that his strength increased rapidly later.

Because he hasn't exerted all his strength, he just faced a powerful enemy and liberated a part of his strength.

Xian'er shook his head and sighed, but the master did not know how serious it was. But, who made the Xuanyuan Clan touch his Ni Lin?

This is just their own fault!

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