"Xiao Xiuxiu, the first person to see Teacher Xiaoman, it must be me!!" Zhi Wu grinned, and then a flame broke out under his feet, and the speed of him was raised to another level.

"Dreaming!" Hu Yanxiu squinted his eyes and yelled coldly, and then a road of ice crystals spread under his feet, and he slid past at such speed.

The speed of the two of them has been increased to the extreme, so that Chen Muyu, Bai Hang, Huang Lin and others behind can't even catch up with a shadow.

"Senior Zhiwu, senior Xiu, can you slow down! Uuuu, I feel like a trash following you!" Bai Hang said depressed.

Although Bai Hang and Huang Lin worked very hard and never slackens, they are more talented in cultivation. Under the same conditions, they were quickly left far behind by Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu.

What's more, Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu competed day and night, and grew up in the competition. Such an increase speed is not what ordinary people can imagine.

"Haha, I am the first..."

When Zhi Wu saw Luo Xiaoman's figure, he was about to cheer, but Hu Yanxiu chased after him.

He raised his hand and waved, ice crystals condensed and shot towards Zhi Wu.

"I'm going! Xiaoxiu, you are still doing it!" Zhi Wu exclaimed, and quickly avoided the attack of these ice crystals, then turned around, shot out flames, and rolled towards Hu Yanxiu.

For a time, ice and fire entangled, and steam filled.

They were obviously just one step short of being able to reach Xiaoman's instructor, but they refused to yield to each other, and they were in a stalemate.

"Uncle Tujia!!" Zhi Wu was irritable and shouted, but even the guardian spirit beast called out.

"Are you still calling for a helper?" Hu Yanxiu squinted his eyes and said contemptuously, "You want to be shameless?"

"Tsk tusk, what's your face? Can you eat it? Anyway, I want to beat you." Zhi Wu stuck out her tongue at Hu Yanxiu and made a grimace, and then rushed towards Luo with the help of the soil worm to resist Hu Yanxiu's gap. Xiaoman.

"Roar!!" At this moment, the ice lion was called out by Hu Yanxiu and rushed forward.

"Hey, you said Zhiwu senior and Xiu senior, when will the winner be determined?" At this time, Bai Hang and the others had walked slowly.

They thought they couldn't catch up with Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu, but the two of them couldn't get along with each other, and they let themselves catch up.

No, they walked over slowly, and then greeted Xiaoman's instructor. It is estimated that these two guys have not yet decided the winner.

Seeing Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu fighting, Luo Xiaoman shook his head helplessly. Both of them have similar talents, but Hu Yanxiu is the eldest son of the Hu Yan family, and he will naturally have more than Zhi Wu. Training resources.

In fact, Zhi Wu is really no worse than Hu Yanxiu.

"Xiaoxiu, give me a punch!!" Zhi Wu yelled, clenched his fists suddenly, and banged over.

Hu Yanxiu's eyes sank, and he clenched his fist, facing Zhi Wu's punch. At the same time, the ice lion and the earth worm also rushed together, and the flames and ice from the two made the entire Luo family smoky.

"It's OK!"

Suddenly, it exploded with a low drink, and saw a figure falling from the sky, holding Zhi Wu in one hand and Hu Yanxiu in the other, and slammed on the ground.

At the same time, the earthworm and ice lion were also crushed by a fire bird and a big white dog on the ground, unable to move.

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