"Teacher Xiaoman!!" Zhi Wu saw the visitor clearly and couldn't help shivering, and said with a sneer: "This, this me and Xiao Xiuxiu..."

"Stop talking." Luo Xiaoman got up, let go of the two guys, and said: "You two are really enemies, but you can compare with me if you come to see me."

"Teacher Xiaoman, am I not doing this for cultivation?" Zhi Wu touched his head, then winked at Hu Yanxiu, asking him to cooperate with him.

"Well, we are discussing and communicating." Hu Yanxiu said coldly.

Although he didn't want to dance, he still cooperated. Suddenly, Zhi Wu gave him a heart-warming comparison.

Hu Yanxiu frowned, and hurriedly wrote the beginning.

"Okay." Luo Xiaoman waved his hand and said helplessly: "It doesn't matter how you want to learn from each other or how to communicate. But this is the Luo family, don't damage the flowers and plants here, otherwise I will let you be a month. My family, take care of the Luo family mansion for me."

Suddenly, Zhi Wu shuddered again and said, "Teacher Xiaoman, I dare not."

Hu Yanxiu let out a cold snort, turned his head, and said, "Sorry."

When Luo Xiaoman saw that the two of them showed diametrically opposite personalities, he found it interesting and didn't care about them.

She swept around the crowd, and after so long not seeing each other, these guys were shaking each other, and their eyes were so hot.

"long time no see……"

"I miss it so much!!"

Luo Xiaoman said half a sentence, and everyone responded to the next sentence.

Luo Xiaoman was startled and couldn't help laughing. The worry in his heart for Mo Yuan seemed to have been alleviated.

No matter what, Mo Yuan is like this now, no matter how worried it is, it won't help, and she will even get confused. She must be calm and calm to take every step well.

"Teacher Xiaoman, you want to kill me during your absence!" Bai Hang pouted and said dully.

"Oh? Really?" Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly: "Do you want me to run 500 laps or do a hundred rabbits squat?"

Bai Hang shivered, smirked, and said, "Well, that...Teacher Xiaoman, if you are busy, just take care of it, don't worry about us. We will practice hard by ourselves and don't forget your teaching."

"Bai Hang, you are a bullshit." Huang Lin next to him joked, patted his chest, and said to Luo Xiaoman: "Teacher Xiaoman, after you come back, you must train us severely. What a run Five hundred laps, one hundred rabbits squatting, is nothing."

Suddenly, everyone stared at Huang Lin angrily.

This guy has been abused, and he actually asked Xiaoman to abuse himself and brought them!

They have decided that they must thank this guy well later.

Huang Lin shivered and blinked. How did he feel an inexplicable chill in his back?

"Teacher Xiaoman, welcome back!" At this moment, Chen Muyu walked up and smiled at Luo Xiaoman.

Luo Xiaoman raised her eyebrows, and after not seeing her for a while, she seemed to have become calm and magnificent, with a bit of feminine charm.

Then, she glanced at Luo Qingyi ambiguously. It seemed that the relationship between Big Brother and Xiaoyu had progressed very quickly during this period.

Luo Qingyi's face flushed when Luo Xiaoman stared at him like this, but he was embarrassed.

He and Chen Muyu glanced at each other, and from each other's eyes, they could read the deep friendship for each other.

Perhaps inspired by Chen Muyu, Luo Qingyi smiled indifferently, and walked up and took Chen Muyu's hand.

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