"Xiaoman, I am going to marry Xiaoyu." Luo Qingyi glanced at Chen Muyu and smiled: "Now that my father and mother are back, this matter can also be on the agenda."

"Haha, Tsing Yi, it's not bad." Luo Mushan came over with a big laugh, patted Luo Qingyi's shoulder, and said: "Xiaoyu is a good girl, you should treat them well in the future."

"Father, don't worry, I will not let Xiaoyu down."

"Master!" At this time, Xian'er stared at Luo Mushan, and from the corner of her eyes she glanced at Luo Xiaoman.

Suddenly, Luo Mushan understood her meaning and his expression was embarrassed.

If there are no accidents, Xiao Man and Mo Yuan should also be married, but now that this happened to Mo Yuan, it is probably going to be delayed.

"Xiaoyu, it seems that I will change my tongue in the future and call my sister-in-law." Luo Xiaoman smiled slightly, took Chen Muyu's little hand, and smiled.

Although she tried her best not to show her sadness, everyone who knew her knew that she was in a bad mood now.

"Okay, don't stand outside." Xian'er quickly walked out, making a round of rounds, and said: "Come in, I'll make you some delicious."

"Oye! I have been thinking about Sister Xian'er's food for a long time!" Zhi Wu's eyes lit up and said excitedly.

"Xiao Wu, your mouth is so sweet, I will cook a special dish for you later!" Xian'er said cheerfully.

"Haha, Sister Xian'er, you should be called Sister Fairy!"

Everyone is sour!

I had known that they were also called Sister Xian'er, and now they were taken advantage of by Zhiwu. It was an honor to be favored by Sister Xian'er!

Ever since they tasted Xian'er's craftsmanship, they didn't feel that other people's cooking was delicious, and at most they met their physiological needs.

Now they finally have the opportunity to taste this worldly delicacy, and they are all looking forward to it.

"Xiaoman!" Before everyone came back to their senses, a loud shout came, and they saw Zhu Yingtian, Hu Yan Ruofeng, Zhong Li, Ji Wuya, Hu Yanling, Ye Canglan, Tong Ming and others rushing over.

"Master!!" Immediately afterwards, Ming Chan also flew over, making the entire Luo family warm up completely.

They all learned that Luo Xiaoman had returned, and then they all put aside the things in their hands and hurried over.

When they saw Luo Xiaoman, they also realized that this seemingly weak, but in fact extremely powerful little girl, is so much that they like.

"Xiaoman, are you okay?" Zhu Yingtian walked over and kept looking at Luo Xiaoman for fear that she would lack arms and legs.

"The emperor, you are too exaggerated!" Hu Yan Ruofeng said cheerfully: "You don't know that Xiaoman is so powerful. It's someone else who needs arms and legs."

With that, he walked over and took out a storage bag of lollipops. "Come on, so many days, there must be not many lollipops?"

"Grandpa Dean, your lollipop came really in time." Luo Xiaoman saw the lollipop and his eyes immediately curled up. "If you don't send it to me, I will go to you for it!"

"Little master, it turns out that you only have lollipops in your eyes!" Ji Wuya pouted and looked at Luo Xiaoman aggrievedly.

Luo Xiaoman shuddered, looking at Ji Wuya, who was over a hundred years old but still beautiful, she couldn't help but feel a chill.

If it weren't for knowing his gender and being stared like this, he would really trembled at the pitiful appearance.

"Xiao Ya, you put away the two drumsticks in your hand before saying me, thank you." She rolled her eyes and hid the two drumsticks behind Ji Wuya.

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