Qiang Wenting raised her eyebrows, turned her eyes, and said, "What do you think?"

"I want to add one more condition to the final result." Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes and swept across the four-nation coalition coldly.

The Four Nations Army was swept by such a glance, shivering inexplicably, as if being stared at by a bloodthirsty wolf.

However, Zhu Yanguo's people looked excited.

Among them, there are many people who have suffered from Luo Xiaoman's loss, and naturally understand that the current Luo Xiaoman has exposed the tail of a fox and is ready to slaughter these guys fiercely.

In the past, faced with Luo Xiaoman's ruthless slaughter, they smashed them, but now they see the four-nation coalition following their own footsteps, and they are all excited, and they hope that Luo Xiaoman will slaughter them ruthlessly.

"We Zhu Yanguo wins. The four countries must cede the frontier land and give me Zhu Yanguo. At the same time, we should compensate Zhu Yanguo for all war damages."

"Impossible!!" General Rao of Shui Qingguo immediately refused. "You are a lion who opens his mouth. Is it possible for you to do so?"

"Yes! Ceding the frontier land is tantamount to cutting the meat of our country!" Shi Mingguo's General Lin also had an expression of anger and rejected this condition proposed by Luo Xiaoman.

"Haha!" Luo Xiaoman sneered and looked at the two generals mockingly. "Your four-nation coalition forces have all hit the capital of Zhu Yanguo. If it weren't for the Qiang clan to come forward, you are afraid that you are going to flatten my Zhu Yanguo? Don't you feel ashamed of such a big reaction to let you cede the frontier?"

Suddenly, the two generals were flushed with Luo Xiaoman's sorrow, and they were unable to refute.

The four-nation coalition forces are indeed ready to destroy Zhu Yanguo. Now they only offered to cede the frontiers, but they refused directly. It was justified and unreasonable.

"Also, do you think you will definitely lose?" Luo Xiaoman twitched the corner of his mouth, threw the lollipop in his hand into his mouth, and said with contempt: "It's okay! You can withdraw troops, and we, Zhu Yanguo, can assume nothing happens. ."

After speaking, she looked at Qiang Wenting.

Qiang Wenting naturally understood what Luo Xiaoman meant. If the four-nation coalition refused this condition, there would be no need for this armed fight, and they would directly withdraw their troops.

"What do you mean?" She turned around and glanced at the four generals coldly. "Is it withdrawing troops or accepting additional conditions?"

"Second princess, this..."

"I think Luo Xiaoman's conditions are reasonable." Qiang Wenting expressed his attitude and said indifferently: "The four nations of yours would have been at a loss when you united to deal with Zhu Yanguo. If it weren't for my Qiang ancestors to set the rules, you can't directly interfere. Regarding the internal affairs of the Six Nations, I, the Qiang clan, must ask Zhu Yanguo for an explanation."

Suddenly, the four generals looked at each other with embarrassment.

They are indeed wrong, but Qiang Wenting's partiality is too obvious, right?

This is obviously standing on the side Luo Xiaoman!

"General Qi, the attack on Zhu Yan country was initiated by your Hongnan Kingdom. Now you can take a stand." General Liu stared at General Qi closely and gave the decision to General Qi.

Suddenly, the other two generals also watched over, meaning they were all for him to make a statement.

General Qi feels bitter, but knows that if he wants to make a decision, he will offend the Three Kingdoms!

At that time, he will become a sinner of the ages of Hongnan Kingdom.

"Accept!" General Qi sighed, unable to say these two words.

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