The arrow is on the string, I have to send it!

He now only hopes that Luo Xiaoman is really just watching the show, and not secretly playing tricks.

"Very good!" Qiang Wenting nodded, then turned around and looked at Luo Xiaoman. "The generals of the four countries have accepted the conditions you put forward."

Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips, patted Dabai, and asked him to return to his original position. "Well, you can start, I'm just watching the show."

"Representatives of the five countries, come up!"

Following Qiang Wenting's order, a group of figures flew out from the camps of various countries and landed on the martial arts stage.

Suddenly, the swords were drawn on the martial arts stage, and everyone's momentum was unscrupulously released, seeming to tell the opponent about his strength.

It's just that the representatives of the four countries tacitly moved the momentum towards Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu.

"Tsk tusk, it's so fierce!" Zhi Wu half-squinted her eyes, a look of excitement appeared on his handsome face. He can feel that the strength of these opponents is very strong, and they don't seem to be below him.

"Don't underestimate the enemy." Suddenly, Hu Yanxiu said coldly.

Zhi Wu was startled slightly and looked at Hu Yanxiu with surprise. "Hey, Xiaoxiu, did you care about me just now?"

Hu Yanxiu raised his head and ignored Zhi Wu, but Zhi Wu was very happy.

"Minor repair repair, if you don't see it, you will care about people." Zhi Wu raised her eyebrows, and touched her elbow. Hu Yanxiu said, "With your words, I am full of power now!"

"Believe it or not, I will throw you down!" Hu Yanxiu tilted his eyes and threatened coldly.

However, Zhi Wu was not stunned at all, but was happy in his heart. "Okay, okay, I won't say it! I will cover you later!"

Seeing that Zhiwu and Hu Yanxiu were wrangling, the representatives of the four countries were all angry and wanted to kill them directly.

However, without Qiang Wenting's instructions, they were afraid to move.

"There are no rules in the five-nation martial arts. As long as you defeat the opponent, you can win. Of course, you can also choose to abstain." Qiang Wenting glanced at these young and energetic guys and said lightly: "However, I believe you will not be like this. do."


Each of them, even if he died in battle, would not choose to abstain!

This is a question of the face of your country!

"Second princess, can you start?" Meng Fang stared at Zhi Wu and said coldly: "I can't wait!"

"Haha, can't you wait to be madly beaten by me?" Zhi Wu looked over and ignited Mongolia's anger in a single sentence.

"I swear, you will be the first to kill later!!"

"Come on, come on!" Zhi Wu came back and patted his **** at Mongolia.

The corner of Hu Yanxiu's mouth twitched, and he suddenly doubted life. Why did he partner with this guy?


Perhaps it was Qiang Wenting who couldn't see Zhi Wu's funny comparison, and started straight away.

Suddenly, the Mongolian side rushed out first and killed Zhiwu.

Zhi Wu was startled slightly, and then started bluffing. "Hey, this is the beginning! Somehow give people a time to adjust!"

"Adjust your sister!" Meng Fang clenched his fist and blasted towards Zhi Wu's face.

"Get off!" At this moment, Hu Yanxiu grabbed Zhiwu's collar and dragged him behind him, then raised his hand and punched Meng Fang.

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