"Want to escape?" Zhi Wu's eyes sank, his feet were wrong, and then he turned and chased towards Mongolia. "The performance of Wutai is just a little place, where can you escape?"

The entire performance stage, surrounded by the colorful flags just now, has been sealed by a barrier.

In other words, the barrier will not be unlocked until the final decision is made.


Suddenly, Meng Fang stopped abruptly, raised his hand to grab, and grabbed a crescent-like weapon.

"Huh? Finally used the weapon?" Zhi Wu raised her eyebrows, and saw that Mongolia took out the weapon without being shocked. Immediately, he raised his hand and grabbed the two daggers.

A sharp light flashed across Meng Fang's eyes, and the full moon scimitar in his hand slashed sharply.

Zhi Wu was not in a hurry, and the two daggers in his hands got out of his hands, facing this round-moon scimitar.

"Did you know?" Zhi Wu clenched his fist, the sea of ​​anger surged, and the true essence flowed, making this fist indestructible. "Instructor Xiaoman once said that people with no strength are called pretending, and those with strength are called Niubi. So please call me Niubi!!"


He skimmed the entanglement of weapons, blasted past with a punch, and took Mongolia's heart directly.

The implementation of this punch, I am afraid it will directly shatter the meridians of the Mongolian side, and you will be disabled if you die.

At the moment when his fist was about to touch the Mongolian side, his lips curled up in a sly arc, and said lightly: "Sorry, in my eyes, you are a funny comparison!"


Zhi Wu's pupils shrank, and he felt two tyrannical vigor coming from both sides.


A long spear and a long sword, with fierce power, flew over.

Want to attack me? !

Zhi Wu's heart tightened, and quickly closed his fists, spinning around and rising into the sky.

It's just that the spear and sword also reversed and caught up.

"I'm going! I'll follow it!!" Zhi Wu's pupils shrank, and suddenly raised his hand with a move, and the two daggers immediately turned around.

"Get out of here!!"

Following Zhi Wu's violent drink, the two daggers flew towards the spear and sword immediately.

Keng Keng!

The two daggers collided with the spear and the long sword, and they flew out suddenly.

However, before Zhi Wu could catch his breath, the Mongolian side was already holding the full moon scimitar and slashed fiercely.

"Fox Shadow!"


The full moon scimitar burst out with a sharp light, sweeping towards Zhiwu.

When Li Mang was about to come to life, he turned into a shining fox, and bit him.

Zhi Wu's expression was solemn. At this time, his old power had just gone, but the new power had not yet come into existence, so there was no way to counter this killing move.


"Uncle Tujia!!"

With Zhi Wu's shout, a huge figure appeared, and a hot flame instantly surged out and enveloped him.

Under this flame, the fox shadow quickly disappeared and turned into nothingness.

"Tsk, I have to say, you are still a bit capable." The flames tumbling, Zhi Wu riding on Tu Jia's back, staring at the Mongolian side majesticly. "After all, you who can force the Uncle Tujia out are worthy of my serious consideration."

"Hehe, do you think we don't know you have a guardian spirit beast?" Suddenly, Meng Fang's eyes flashed, revealing a sly smile. "May I tell you that our attack just now was to force your guardian spirit beast out."


"Zhi Wu, come back!"

At this time, Hu Yanxiu's pupils shrank and he noticed something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted.

However, it is still a step slower!

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