The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1622: Join forces to suppress!

Before Zhi Wu could react, two huge figures appeared, divided into the left and right sides, and caught the soil worm at once.

Two tyrannical auras struck, suppressing his flames!

"Guardian spirit beast!?" Zhi Wu's pupils shrank and looked at this scene with shocked expression. He saw a beast resembling a leopard and a beast resembling a snake, entangled the soil worms. Make him unable to move.

"Teng Snake, tear him up for me!!"

"Lieshan, crush him for me!"

Liang Qi, Shui Geng shouted coldly, these two monsters were their guardian spirit beasts.

Under the restraint of these two monsters, the soil worm struggled, but could not move, the flames on his body continued to surge, and it was difficult to force the two monsters away.

"Uncle Tu Kui!!" Zhi Wu yelled, his mind tightened. Tu Kui is his own guardian spirit beast. Once wounded or captured, it will definitely affect him.

At this moment, he finally understood Mongolia's thinking.

This guy wanted to play a role of restraining himself by controlling the Uncle Soil.

"But you underestimate me!!" Zhi Wu's eyes were stunned, and his hands were suddenly opened, and the two daggers spun back immediately.

When the two daggers spun back, they violently collided again, sparking a dazzling flame.

"Red Lotus Burning the Sky!!"

In the sky, a hot red lotus appeared, and the heat radiated from it, combined with the flame on the soil worm, caused the temperature of the entire space to rise rapidly.

Teng Snake, Lieshan is the closest to Red Lotus, and the hot temperature makes them very uncomfortable.

"Shui Miaomiao, Bi Liang, Ma Ying, and Feiyunguo, what are you waiting for?!" Mongolia's pupils shrank and quickly shouted.

Suddenly, guardian spirit beasts appeared and joined the ranks of suppressing the soil worm.

It has to be said that Zhi Wu's strength, as well as Tu Jia's blood, occupy an absolute advantage, even if so many guardian spirit beasts jointly suppress them, there is no way to suppress them all at once.

The Mongolian side is in a bad mood, even if the current situation is in his hands little by little.

However, don't forget that they are all of them together, only to suppress a Zhiwu!

This means that these geniuses are not as good as a genius of Zhu Yanguo!

His self-esteem has been hit hard at this moment!

"I'm the most powerful person among the younger generation." Meng Fang's eyes were gloomy, his face gradually distorted with ferocity. "As long as you kill you, I will be the best!"


A figure appeared from behind him.

This figure has two pairs of wings, a pair of sharp claws grow under the ribs, and the shining cold light seems to be able to easily tear apart the golden stone.

"Black Wing, tear him to me!!"

Hei Wing screamed, then slammed his wings, and flew towards Zhi Wu.

Zhi Wu's pupils shrank, and his mind was horrified. He and Tu Jia were already unable to resist more offensives.

For a moment, everyone in Zhu Yanguo's hearts were awkward, and they looked at Zhi Wu with worry.

However, Luo Xiaoman was the only one who was at ease, licking melon seeds leisurely.

In her eyes, there is only calmness and trust!

At the moment of the moment, a wave of icy cold invaded, and a blue lotus bloomed from the red lotus.

Under the entanglement of ice and fire, a stream of steam diffused, blocking everyone's sight.


Black Wing slammed his body, flapping his wings, alert to the surrounding movement.

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