The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1624: Fight for me a quarter of an hour

Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu were slightly startled, and they felt a sense of murderous air gradually spreading.


Suddenly, thunders shone out, bombarding Zhiwu and Hu Yanxiu.

"Wow! This formation can still thunder!" Zhi Wu exclaimed, and hurriedly avoided the thunder attacks.

However, the thunder in the Octo-pole array was dense, like a rain of arrows, smashing crazy.

Under this situation, let alone breaking through the formation, it is a question whether it can be hacked to death!

"Hahaha, this is the real monkey game!" Meng Fang's eyes flashed with enthusiasm. The blow he had just received was comforted in Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu's embarrassment to avoid the thunder. "Tell you, the horror of the Octopus array is more than that."

The voice fell, and the original Thunder suddenly stopped.

Without waiting for Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu to catch their breath, a wave of sharp wind blades condensed and slashed at them frantically.

"I'm going to your uncle!" Zhi Wu was violent. It was Thunder just now, and now it is Wind Blade again. This is to force them to death!

However, this has just begun. After the wind blade, there is a flame, and after the flame, there is a soil thorn.

In this octopole array, there seem to be eight attack methods, and the people trapped in the array will be killed in different ways.

"Good-looking! So good-looking!"

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

"Oh, you said it would be great if we could have some melon seeds!"

The Allied Forces of the Four Nations ridiculed Zhu Yanguo, and everyone in Zhu Yanguo felt that the melon seeds in their hands were not fragrant.

The aura of Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu just now had disappeared at this moment, replaced by the embarrassed posture of avoiding various attacks in the octopole formation.

However, they all know that they can hide for a while, but not forever.

The two of them will eventually be exhausted.

"Xiaoman!?" Luo Mushan was anxious, no matter how he looked at it, Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu had no life. Not only him, but everyone else looked over and seemed to want to find a ray of life from Luo Xiaoman.

Luo Xiaoman didn't make a sound, always eating lollipops calmly, staring at Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu in the Octo-Ji formation.

Although she did not speak, responding to everyone's doubts, but seeing her so calm, everyone was not so panicked.

"Huh!" At this moment, Zhi Wu couldn't dodge, and was cut through his arm by a wind blade.

It was just in such a trance, more wind blades flew over, seeming to be torn into pieces.

At the moment of the moment, Hu Yanxiu flashed over, blocking the attack of these wind blades for Zhi Wu.

"Minor repairs..."

"Zhi Wu, it's no way for us to hide like this!" Hu Yanxiu squinted his eyes, and Jun Yi's face rarely floated with solemnity.

"Minor repairs, what can you do?"


Hu Yanxiu nodded and looked back at Zhi Wu. "But I need you to buy me some time."

Looking at Hu Yanxiu's azure blue eyes, Zhi Wu's heart trembled slightly. From this guy's eyes, he read a trace of wordless trust.

"Can I trust you?"

"of course!"

Zhi Wu grinned and gave Hu Yanxiu a bright smile. "You can trust me like you believe me!"

Hu Yanxiu was startled slightly, but the corners of his lips rose unconsciously.

"Wow, Xiao Xiuxiu, you smiled!" Seeing this rare smile, Zhi Wu couldn't help exclaiming.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and protect the law for me." Hu Yanxiu looked at him, then turned his back. "Get me a quarter of an hour!"

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