The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1625: I won't let you hurt a little!


Zhi Wu's eyes sank, and the aura on his body swelled out. Holding two daggers in his hands, they flipped and swept quickly, constantly resisting the flying wind blade.

Hu Yanxiu's expression sank, the sea of ​​qi turned, and the true essence continued to flow through his body.

He raised his hand and grabbed a long sword.

The sword sounded loudly, and with the circulation of the true essence, this long sword gradually trembled, constantly stirring the sharp edge.

Seeing Hu Yanxiu's movements, Mongolia frowned and his mind was solemn. Although he was confident in the Octo-Ji formation, he had always been careful about himself and felt that it was necessary to prevent all possible accidents.

"Liang Qi, from Shuiqing Country, Feiyun Country, Shi Mingguo, cooperate with me to strengthen the power of the Octopole Formation!"

"Mongolian side, it's not necessary?" Shui Yirong curled his lips and glanced mockingly at Zhi Wu, who was embarrassed to resist the Octopus array attack. "They are just struggling to death, and sooner or later they will be exhausted. We just watch the theater!"

"Hmph, I don't like taking risks." Meng Fang squinted and said coldly: "Don't forget, just because of our arrogance, we almost had an accident."

Shui Geng's pupils trembled slightly. At first, they did underestimate the enemy, and they were caught off guard by Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu.

If it weren't for the Mongolian side to make secret arrangements and introduce the other side into the game step by step, it would not be possible to reverse the disadvantage.

"Huh, let me ask again, do you cooperate or not?"

"Mongolia, depending on your layout, we cooperate with you." At this time, Shi Mingguo's Ma Ying stood up and agreed to his proposal.

Following Ma Ying's start, others have also expressed their support, all supporting Mongolia's decision.

The Mongolian side curled the corners of his lips, fixed his eyes on Zhi Wu's body, and said grimly: "This scene should be over!"

Suddenly, his hands were connected to each other, urging the operation of the octopole array. At the same time, other people also joined in, so that the power of the Octopole Array can be used to the extreme.

In the next moment, all kinds of attacks from the Octopole Array broke out.

"I'm going to your uncle!!" Zhi Wu's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but explode. "This is to tear us apart completely!"

Wind blade, thunder, soil thorn, flame, water arrow, all together.

The entire space was filled with murderous air, which was heavily pressed on Zhi Wu's heart.

"Zhi Wu!" Hu Yanxiu also knew that the current situation was extremely critical. With Zhi Wu's strength, there was no way to completely resist it.

"Minor repair!" Zhi Wu twitched the corner of her mouth, her eyes flashing crazy. "You just concentrate on doing what you should do, and I assure you that you will never let these attacks hit you."

Hu Yanxiu's heart tightened, his lips pursed, and then he gritted his teeth and concentrated on running his true essence.

He can't give up halfway now!

If you give up halfway, all your efforts will be wasted!

Huh huh!

Thunder slashed towards Zhi Wu like a roaring snake. At the same time, the wind blade, arrow rain, fire tongue, and soil thorn all attacked.

"Uncle Soil Cone!!" Zhi Wu let out a low voice, and summoned Soil Cone again.

Tu Kui let out an angry roar, the flames on his body tumbling, and he blocked most of the attacks.

However, in such a narrow space, the strength he can exert is extremely limited, and he uses his body to block these attacks.

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