The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1626: How can I let you down!

Zhi Wu cooperated with the earth worm, constantly wielding the dagger in his hand to minimize the power of these attacks.

He is like a wall, protecting Hu Yanxiu behind him, not allowing these attacks to pass over him, threatening Hu Yanxiu!

At this moment, everyone saw a strong and unyielding figure in the Octopus array, desperately resisting the brutal attack.

His gaze was firm, and Hu Yanxiu was protected behind him, even if he was dangerous, he did not let these attacks touch him.

How powerful and trustworthy it is!

"Senior Zhi Wu, come on!!" Bai Hang was shocked by Zhi Wu's tenacity. If he were replaced by someone else, he would have been torn apart by so many attacks.

"Senior Zhiwu, you are the best!" The students of the Saint Academy cheered for Zhiwu. Their behavior also infected everyone in Qinhuai City.

"Come on!! You must hold on!!!"

"Chong! Guy Zhiwu!"

The entire Qinhuai City was cheering for Zhiwu and Hu Yanxiu, and the scene was very shocking.

However, in the eyes of the four-nation coalition, they are just dying, and even if they unite, they will not be able to change the outcome of their failure.

"Huh, really tenacious!" Meng Fang's face was gloomy, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. "Then, I have to work harder!"

Suddenly, he cooperated with others and once again raised the power of the Octopole Formation.

As the power of the Octopole Array increased again, the offensive inside became more violent and dense, forcing Zhi Wu to breathe.

"Huh!" Zhi Wu snorted painfully, but his arm was cut by a wind blade. However, these out-of-control are not unique, but one after another.

In a short while, his body was covered with wounds, even if it was the soil worm, his whole body was wounded, and his breath gradually weakened a lot.

Hu Yanxiu's eyebrows are solemn, and he is desperately urging his own true essence.

The long sword in his hand has already lit up with a burst of white light, with a sharp edge, as if it could cut the surrounding space.

"Minor repair, are you alright? I can't hold it anymore!"

The voice of Zhi Wu came, causing Hu Yanxiu's heart to tighten, and when he looked up, he saw him covered in blood.

At this moment, Hu Yanxiu's heart trembled fiercely, as if he had been struck by a knife.

Although Zhi Wu always pestered himself to fight for superiority and looked very annoying, he didn't hate it and even gradually got used to this way of getting along.

His funny comparison is true, and his sincere heart is also true!

In this way of getting along with them, each other's strength is also rapidly improving, which seems to have become a tacit understanding with each other.

However, now this guy who has always wanted to surpass himself, is to prevent himself from getting a little bit of harm and endure unimaginable torture.

"How can I let you down!!" Hu Yanxiu's eyes sank, and he let out a low voice. "The sword breaks the sky!"

Suddenly, his hand shook violently, and the long sword turned into a white light and shot out sharply.


The long sword slammed into the light curtain of the octopole array, bursting out a burst of strong energy, raging around.

"Drink!!" Hu Yanxiu condensed his eyes deeply, pointed his sword at the eight-pole formation, and constantly controlled the long-sword impact formation, trying to tear the eight-pole formation with the sharp edge of the long sword!

"Don't think about it!!" Mongolian pupils shrank, and quickly controlled the attack of the octopole array, attacking Hu Yanxiu.

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