The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1630: Return to the second floor!

Mongolia's mind is very deep, and now his strength is soaring. The longer the time delay, it will only give him more time to make arrangements!

At that time, he will definitely be played around by this guy!

Thinking of this, Hu Yanxiu's eyes sank, and then he rushed up without saying a word.

He raised his hand and grabbed it into the void. The long sword immediately spun from the ground and slammed into Mongolia.

This sword was unparalleled, and there was a sword mark wherever it went.

"Humph!" Mongolian snorted coldly, and instead of retreating, he raised his hand and grabbed it, but grabbed the full moon scimitar back and slashed towards Hu Yanxiu.


The long sword and the full moon scimitar collided, and a buzzing sound of metal delivery erupted, stimulating everyone's eardrums.

Hu Yanxiu's pupils shrank, and he felt a force of shock coming back, and immediately retreated a few steps, taking advantage of the trend to remove this force.


At this moment, a light wheel appeared behind the Mongolian side, and the aura on his body reached its extreme.

"Repayment period?!"

When everyone saw the light wheel behind the Mongolian side, they couldn't help taking a breath.

They never expected that the Mongolian side actually broke through to the repayment period at this moment, which was at the same level as Hu Yanxiu's strength.

"General Qi, your Mongolian side is very hidden!" General Liu pouted, and said mockingly: "It turned out to be a vain period. This is better than our generals!"

"Hehe, you didn't use your strength just now, and waited until our people were seriously injured and unable to fight before taking action, what is your intention?" General Lin looked at General Qi meaningfully.

General Qi frowned and glanced at the three generals coldly.

He knew that the minds of these guys were nothing more than thinking that they were hiding their own privates, deliberately keeping one hand, and when the results came out, they would have an absolute advantage.

At that time, their Hong Nanguo will have the absolute right to speak and can get more benefits!


"You don't even know the cost of the Mongolian side using the original jade amulet!" General Qi gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice, "This is a secret method that damages the foundation!"


The three generals frowned and looked at General Qi with doubts.

"The jade talisman used by the Mongolian side is the original jade talisman. It uses a trace of its own origin as a primer, and through uninterrupted accumulation, it can absorb the spiritual energy of the surrounding world and store it."

"The original jade talisman can only be used once in a lifetime. Once used, the strength will be greatly improved, but it can only last for a quarter of an hour. After a quarter of an hour, the user will be exhausted, completely lose combat effectiveness, and forever Can't improve the cultivation base."

Hearing what General Qi said, the three generals looked at each other and couldn't help but stand in awe of Mongolia.

For the glory of the country, he abandoned his future and tried his best to fight the enemy!

"General Qi, I'm sorry, I was the one who made a mistake just now." General Liu clasped his fists and said apologetically.

As he started, the other generals also apologized, and apologized to General Qi.

General Qi sighed and didn't want to say anything to these guys. His eyes fell on the martial arts stage, the imposing Mongolian side!

No matter what, you must win, otherwise all of our efforts will be lost!

At this time, the momentum on the Mongolian side's body became stronger and stronger, and the light wheel behind it trembled slightly, and the second light wheel was separated!

"Still the second floor?!" Hu Yanxiu's mind tightened, staring at Mongolia in disbelief!

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